Poste de doctorant – Uppsala University

PhD position in Ancient or Byzantine Greek
Uppsala University – Department of Linguistics and Philology

Uppsala University is an international research university focused on the development of science and education. Our most important assets are all the individuals who with their curiosity and their dedication makes Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting work places. Uppsala University has 45.000 students, 6,800 employees and a turnover of SEK 6,300 million.

Starting 2015.

Research and teaching at the Department of linguistics and philology covers approx. twenty different languages and linguistic subjects as well as computational linguistics. These include many of the important languages and cultures in the Middle East, to which can be added Hindi, Swahili, Chinese, Ancient Greek and Latin. Comparative Indo-European linguistics and general linguistics are also part of the department.

Doctoral studies extend over a 4-year period during which the PhD-student will receive a salary as an employee of the department. Doctoral students are expected to engage in full-time study and research, and contribute to and participate in the department’s activities. Teaching and/or administrative tasks may be involved (up to a maximum of 20%).

To qualify for a doctoral position in Greek at Uppsala University, a candidate should hold a master’s degree in Ancient Greek. Applicants who have obtained qualifications equivalent or comparable to this in Sweden or abroad are also eligible to apply.

Doctoral students in Greek at Uppsala university work in a lively research environment with scholars interested in the Greek language and Greek culture from antiquity and onwards. For this position we are looking primarily for a candidate who is interested in working with texts from the ancient period (including late antiquity). The proposed doctoral project must be described in a research plan attached to the application.

Applications should include copies of: the applicants’ senior and master’s theses; a short CV, including a brief description of research interests; a research plan (4-5 pages); publications, if any; other relevant documentation the applicant wishes to cite in support of his/her application, such as letters of recommendation, contact information for references, etc.

Admission of students described in “Act of higher education” (Högskoleförordningen) 7 kap 34-36 §§. Rules of employment of graduate students can be found in “Act of higher education” (Högskoleförordningen) 5 kap 1-7 §§. Rules for doctoral education is regulated in “Act of higher education” (Högskoleförordningen) 6 kap 26-36 §§.

Admission rules, regulations and guidelines for postgraduate studies in Uppsala University cited

For information, please contact professor Ingela Nilsson (, tel +46 (0)18-471 1424, professor Mats Eskhult, director of graduate studies (, tel +46 (0)18-471 7379) or Lars Hagborg, senior faculty administrator, (, tel +46 (0)18-471 1907).

The deadline for applications is June 21st 2015 at latest, UFV-PA 2015/1586.

To apply:

6 postes de chargés d’études et de recherche à l’INHA

Appel à candidatures – 6 postes de chargés d’études et de recherche à l’INHA

L’appel à candidatures visant à pourvoir six postes de chargés d’études et de recherche à l’INHA, à compter du 1er octobre 2015, vient d’être mis en ligne sur le site de l’INHA.

Les chargés d’études et de recherche effectuent un service partagé entre les programmes scientifiques et documentaires de l’INHA et leurs travaux personnels de recherche ; ils se voient confier des tâches documentaires et scientifiques en relation avec les programmes décrits sur le site. Leur lieu de résidence est situé à Paris. Les chargés d’études et de recherche domiciliés hors d’Ile-de-France auront la possibilité de louer une chambre à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.

Au cours de leur séjour à l’INHA, ils pourront être affectés à des tâches organisées en lien avec la bibliothèque de l’établissement.

Statutairement, la durée des fonctions de chargé d’études et de recherche est de deux ans. Elle peut être prorogée par période d’une année, sans pouvoir excéder quatre ans au total.

Pourront concourir à ce recrutement les étudiants travaillant dans tous les domaines de l’histoire de l’art. Ils devront être engagés dans la poursuite d’études conduisant au doctorat. Les chargés d’études et de recherche sont recrutés sur contrats doctoraux. Les candidats devront satisfaire aux conditions de recrutement des contractuels doctoraux et par dérogation votée par le conseil scientifique de l’INHA : « recrutement au plus tard dix-huit mois après la première inscription en doctorat » (l’inscription en thèse devra avoir été faite entre le 1er avril 2014 et le 30 septembre 2015).

Composition du dossier de candidature :

  • curriculum vitae
  • lettre de motivation (précisant notamment l’insertion souhaitée dans les domaines et programmes de l’INHA)
  • projet de thèse présenté en quatre pages maximum (sujet, problématique, apport et pertinence pour la discipline,  démarche méthodique, courte bibliographie)

Les candidats postulent selon la procédure suivante :

1 – candidature auprès de l’école doctorale de l’EHESS (ED 286) afin d’obtenir la validation de votre dossier : réception des dossiers (format papier) à l’ED  de l’EHESS  jusqu’au jeudi 20 août 2015, 16 heures au plus tard.

(Si vous n’êtes pas étudiant à l’EHESS, il faudra s’adresser à votre école doctorale respective.)

2 – les écoles doctorales transmettent six candidatures maximum

Par courrier postal à :
Département des Études et de la Recherche
2, rue Vivienne
75002 PARIS


Calendrier du recrutement :

  1. Les écoles doctorales transmettront les 6 dossiers de candidatures au plus tard le mardi 1er septembre 2015, 17h.
  2. Jury d’admissibilité : jeudi 10 septembre 2015
  3. Jury d’admission sur convocation : mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Le jury est constitué de 4 représentants des écoles doctorales, 5 représentants de l’INHA et 2 personnalités du conseil scientifique de l’INHA.  Aucun candidat ne sera reçu avant la tenue du jury.

Pour toute information complémentaire, joindre le secrétariat du Département des études et de la recherche : courriel :

2 postes de doctorants – Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen

2 PhD positions
Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen

The Emmy-Noether junior research group « power and influence: influencing emperors between antiquity and the middle ages“, which is based at the Tübingen department of Ancient History and is going to be affiliated with CRC 923 « Threatened Order“, offers 2 PhD positions (each 65% 13 TV-L = ca. 28.000 € minimum annual salary) starting in November 2015. Both positions are limited to 3 years with an optional one-year extension. Both PhD projects are investigating into the concepts and exercise of personal influence in the 5th and 6th centuries CE, one focusing on the east, the other on the west. For more information please refer to:

– Excellent master’s degree in one of the relevant subjects (Ancient, Medieval or Byzantine history, Classics)
– Excellent teamwork skills and preparedness to engage in an interdisciplinary and collaborative research project spanning multiple epochs
– Good knowledge of Latin resp. Greek

Equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

The University of Tübingen actively seeks to foster career opportunities for female researchers and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Complete applications that include a cover letter, c.v., copies of relevant transcripts, a sample of work (e.g. a term paper or a publication), and a letter of recommendation are to be submitted by 17 July 2015 by E-mail or by post to:

The employment will be arranged by the central administration. In addition, a position for PhD students is available to those who have their own financing and would like to be associated with the research group.

For further information contact:
Dr. Fabian Schulz
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Alte Geschichte
Wilhelmstr. 36
72074 Tübingen

2 postes de doctorants – Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen

2 PhD Positions

starting on 1 July 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter

Both positions are tenable for four years and will expire on 30 June 2019. They will be remunerated according to the German civil service salary scale (TV-L 13, 65 % = ca. 28.000 € minimum annual salary, supplements depending on previous work experience).

Each of the two holders of the post will write a doctoral dissertation, supervised by Prof. Mischa Meier and Prof. Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner. The dissertations will explore the economic foundations of élite power in the Later Roman Empire. More specifically, they will look at the legal mechanisms, social practices and political decisions through which property-owners responded to the broader social and economic transformations of their times and resulting threats to their pre-eminence. One case study deals with the late fourth century, the other with the Justinianic period. The holders of the post will be asked to organize a conference on the theme of sub-project E02. They are also expected to participate at workshops and colloquia hosted by the Collaborative Research Center. For further questions, and in order to obtain a detailed outline of the sub-project, please contact the project leaders by email (see below).

Applicants should have an outstanding Master’s Degree and knowledge of Greek and Latin. In the course of the project, they are expected to acquire an ability to read German, French and Italian scholarly literature and specialist skills in economic, monetary and legal history. A joint degree with another university is possible.

In case of equal qualification and experience physically challenged applicants are given preference. The University of Tuebingen aims at increasing the share of women in research and teaching; female scholars are thus especially encouraged to apply.

The deadline is 15 June 2015. Please send your applications (including CV, degree certificates, confirmation of Latin and Greek language skills and writing samples in a single pdf-file) and two letters of reference by email to:

Prof. Mischa Meier and Prof. Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner
Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen
Seminar für Alte Geschichte
Wilhelmstrasse 36
D-72074 Tuebingen and