Centre André Chastel – Table ronde : Le temple maudit ? Sortir Delphes byzantine de l’oubli

10 février 2023, INHA, salle Ingres et sur Zoom.

Malgré une production scientifique des trente dernières années qui lui est consacrée, comprenant plusieurs ouvrages, monographies ou articles, Delphes byzantine reste une grande inconnue, non seulement du « grand public », mais aussi, à un certain point, des scientifiques et des spécialistes du monde byzantin.
Cette table ronde réunira des chercheurs qui ont travaillé ou continuent à travailler sur Delphes protobyzantine. Elle essaiera de faire le bilan de ce qui a été découvert et de ce qui a été publié jusqu’à présent, mais elle proposera surtout de nouvelles perspectives de diffusion du savoir scientifique vers la communauté scientifique et le public plus large.

Plus d’informations sur le site du Centre André Chastel.

Téléchargez le programme ici.

Poste de post-doc – Université de Vienne

Poste de post-doc – Université de Vienne

The University of Vienna seeks to fill the position from 01.10.2017 of a University Assistant (post doc) at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies.Reference number: 7876

The advertised position is in the research field of Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology and offers unique opportunities for carrying out cross-disciplinary research.

Duration of employment: 6 year/s
Extent of Employment: 40.0 hours/week
Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.

Job Description:
The position requires the active participation in research, teaching and administration. This involves:
• Developing and strengthening the independent research profile
• Preparing/writing a habilitation thesis
• Involvement in research projects and active participation in fieldwork related to Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology
• Participation in the key research areas „Material Culture and History of Visual Culture Cultures and Media of the Visual”
• Responsibility for project applications and the acquisition of third party funding.
• Independent teaching of students as defined by the collective agreement
• Supervision of students during fieldwork
• Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration

Your Profile:
• PhD degree or equivalent qualification in archaeology (Classical or Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology).
• Research record, international presentation experience and publications in the field of Late antique and Early Christian Archaeology
• Field work experience
• Skills in material culture studies and in applying archaeo-science to field study and to material culture
• Excellent command of academic English
• The ability to work in team

Desirable additional qualifications:
• Teaching experience
• Knowledge of university processes and structures
• Experience abroad
• Spoken German is an advantage but not a requirement

The applications must be written in English and include:
• Letter of motivation (1 or 2 pages max)
• Academic curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, a list of courses and a list of talks given)
• Description of research agenda or of the intended research project (2/3 pages max)
• Contact details of 3 scholars who could provide a letter of reference (the latter will be contacted only if the application is under closer consideration)

Applications should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna (http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at) no later than 01.09.2017, mentioning reference number 7876.

For further information please contact Hamarneh, Basema +43-1-4277-40611.

The University pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportunities, as well as diversity ( http://diversity.univie.ac.at/). The University lays special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.

Human Resources and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna
Reference number: 7876
E-Mail: jobcenter@univie.ac.at

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Appel à contribution – Colloquium Session for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America


« Interwoven Lives: The Eastern Mediterranean in the 14th–17th Centuries », Proposed Colloquium Session for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto, Ontario, January 5-8, 2017

Organizers: Lucie Wall Stylianopoulos and Rebecca Seifried on behalf of the AIA Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology Interest Group, Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 13, 2016

The Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology Interest Group invites proposals for papers on the topic of « Interwoven Lives: The Eastern Mediterranean in the 14th–17th Centuries » for a colloquium at the next AIA Annual Meeting. The panel will focus on patterns of interaction in a variety of spheres in the Late Medieval and Post-Medieval periods. Of particular interest are papers that address:

  • Exchange (traffic, trade networks, etc.)
  • Cross-cultural interaction and influence
  • Applications of network analysis
  • New fieldwork or new interpretations of data from local contexts
  • Research that brings together different data sources

 The selected proposals will be used to develop a fuller abstract for the colloquium.

If you are interested in submitting a paper for consideration, please email the following information to Lucie Wall Stylianopoulos (lws4n@eservices.virginia.edu) by March 13, 2016:

  • Name, institutional affiliation, and contact information for the author(s)
  • Preferred presentation length (15 or 20 minutes)
  • Paper title
  • Abstract (maximum of 400 words and conforming to the AIA Style Guidelines