Appel à contribution – Beyond Authority: Composition and Transmission in Late Antiquity

Beyond Authority: Composition and Transmission in Late Antiquity

Princeton University
20th-22nd of March, 2016

Beyond Authority will focus on the composition and transmission of texts and traditions in Late Antiquity. We intend to dismantle the regnant presumption that late antique authors and tradents compose and transmit texts for the sole purpose of asserting and maintaining authority.

Guiding questions for participant contributions include:

  • To what extent did late antique Jews, Christians, and Muslims understand transmission and composition as a process that occurs in the context of authority? How else were they understood?
  • How should we approach authoritative texts composed or transmitted in a non-authoritative manner, or vice-versa?
  • Beyond the preservation and dissemination of authorized material, what else is at stake in the transmission of texts, and how do we talk about these factors?
  • How is the validity of unimpeachably ‘authoritative’ documents negotiated with reference to charges of pseudepigraphy and coercion?
  • What are the communal ramifications for labeling certain processes of composition or transmission authoritative to the exclusion of others?

Scheduled Participants include: Maria Doerfler (Duke), Martha Himmelfarb (Princeton) , Hindy Najman (Oxford), Jeremy Schott (Indiana), Ishay Rozen-Zvi (Tel Aviv), and Moulie Vidas (Princeton). Participants will each have 45 minutes for presentation and discussion of pre-circulated papers, during which time we hope to foster collaborative, productive conversation that will inform selected contributions to a published volume.
The conference is generously supported by the Princeton University Department of Religion, the Program in Judaic Studies, the Center for the Study of Late Antiquity, the Council of the Humanities Stewart Fund in Religion, the Department of Classics, the Center for the Study of Religion, the Department of Comparative Literature, and the Center for Human Values.
Those interested should submit a 300-500 word abstract to Domestic travel and accommodations will be provided for those selected to participate.
Deadline for submissions is November 1, 2015.

ECDOTIQUE – Table-ronde et stage

ECDOTIQUE – Table-ronde et stage

Le prochain stage d’ECDOTIQUE aura lieu aux Sources Chrétiennes du 29 février au 4 mars 2016. La table-ronde aura lieu le jeudi 3 mars 2016 de 14h à 17h30.
Le stage suit les différentes étapes d’un livre-type de la collection « Sources Chrétiennes » ; il est utile aussi pour qui prépare l’édition d’un auteur classique (type « Budé ») : recension et lecture de manuscrits, collation, établissement du texte critique avec ses apparats, traduction, choix et rédaction des notes, index (exemples majoritairement empruntés à la littérature patristique grecque et latine) ; visite de la BM de Lyon (manuscrits et imprimés) ; initiation à différents outils informatiques et bases de données (TLG, LLT-A et B, VLD, Biblindex…) ; exemples d’éditions en XML-TEI.

Appel à contribution pour la table-ronde ici.

Appel à contribution – VIe édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art, 3-5 juin 2016

Appel à contribution

VIe édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art,

3-5 juin 2016

La VIe édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art (du 3 au 5 juin 2016) est consacrée au thème Rire. Les candidats ont jusqu’au dimanche 22 novembre minuit pour nous proposer leur projet d’intervention en remplissant le formulaire en ligne sur notre site internet :

Appel à contribution – Edinburgh Conference on Late Antiquity for Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers

Call for Papers: Edinburgh Conference on Late Antiquity for Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers

University of Edinburgh
April 21-22, 2016

Since its creation as a distinct discipline, the field of late antique studies has undergone many transformations and reinterpretations. As this exciting and still evolving field establishes its own place in academia, we feel it is integral for those studying Late Antiquity at the postgraduate level to meet and work together in creating the future of our field. And what better place to do this than the University of Edinburgh, an established and thriving centre for Late Antiquity in the beautiful ‘Athens of the North’.

Our inaugural Edinburgh Postgraduate Conference on Late Antiquity will take place at the University of Edinburgh from April 21-22, 2016. This cross-disciplinary conference is intended to bring together postgraduates and early career researchers from across the UK and abroad whose research focuses on any aspect of Late Antiquity. We welcome submissions from disciplines including (but not limited to) history, literature, archaeology, classics, art and architecture, and divinity. The conference aims to provide a forum to meet fellow postgraduates of Late Antiquity and discuss our current research and enthusiasm for the field.

We invite postgraduate students and early career researchers to submit abstracts for papers (or proposals for panels) on any aspect of Late Antiquity. Papers should be 20 minutes in length and will be followed by a 10 minute discussion period. Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words to by February 15, 2016.

For more information:
Twitter – @EdinburghLAConf
Facebook –

Appel à contribution – Journée doctorale « Histoire de la clandestinité : concept, pratiques, usages politiques »

Appel à contribution
Journée doctorale « Histoire de la clandestinité : concept, pratiques, usages politiques »
le 12 octobre 2015,  Université Paris 8

Vous pouvez trouver l’appel à communication sur le site calenda à l’adresse suivante :

Les organisateurs sont particulièrement intéressés par l’étude des prolongements de ce concepts dans des périodes autres que la contemporaine, notamment en histoire ancienne.