Prix annuel Bernard Hamilton

Annual Bernard Hamilton Essay Prize


In honour of the former president and current honorary president of the SSCLE, Professor Bernard Hamilton, and in recognition of his enormous contribution to the society and support of young scholars, the SSCLE will award an annual essay prize.

The Rules

·         The essay should be on any aspect of history, art history or archaeology of the Crusader period or otherwise relating to Crusader studies.
·         Any current doctoral student, or an individual who is within two years of receiving their doctorate is eligible to enter the competition.
·         The essay, excluding references and bibliography must not normally exceed 6,000 words and must conform with the editorial requirements of the SSCLE journal Crusades (available on the SSCLE webpage and in the Bulletin/Journal)).
·         Essays submitted elsewhere for competitions or publication will not be eligible for the prize.
·         The essays must be submitted as electronic copies as an e-mail attachment, to Professor Jonathan Phillips (email: the SSCLE Postgraduate Officer, by 31 December 2018 (by 1 December in subsequent years)
·         Essays should be accompanied by details of the author’s name, address (including email address), institutional affiliation and degree registration.

The Decision

·         The essays will be read by a jury consisting of a panel drawn from the Committee of the SSCLE and the editors of Crusades.
·         The jury panel reserves the right not to award a prize in any particular year.
·         The jury decision will be announced in April.
·         The decision of the jury is final.
·         The winner of the essay competition will have their paper put forward to Crusades where, subject to the normal procedures of satisfactory reports from two anonymous external referees (and, if required, the chance to modify, amend or improve the piece on their advice), it will be published under the title ‘Bernard Hamilton Essay Prize’.
·         Names of prize winners will be posted on the SSCLE webpage and announced in the Bulletin.

Appel à contribution – ‘Between Lust and Chastity’, Buenos Aires, 28-29 August 2017


  “ Between Lust and Chastity: the Byzantines on Love and Sex”


Buenos Aires

28–29 August 2017

(see attachment or


Rivers of ink have flown since A. Kazhdan’s seminal contribution, “Byzantine Hagiography and Sex in the Fifth to Twelfth Century” (1990), including V. Burrus’ The Sex Lives of Saints (2004). Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge no study to date covers in a comprehensive way divine and human love, the codification of the relation between sexes, the interaction between an avowed morality and the real practice of sexuality. This colloquium aims to put together a number of works tackling these and similar issues


A historical, anthropological or sociological perspective still has a fair job to do in this area. The UBA research team, with its focus on narratology, will pay special attention to love as a dynamic principle in Byzantine storytelling, either hagiographical, historical, or of other kind. Indeed, the centrality of love, which can take myriad forms (as a topos, as a target towards which a given plot aims, as a powerful tool towards meaningful characterization, as a social expectation horizon, etc.) should be evaluated in the framework of the evolution of narrative forms. We believe that a dynamic analysis of erotic motifs can be so productive for diachronic narrativity as the spatiality, temporality, or the studies of narrators and narratees.


At the same time, any other point of view is welcome: from a presentation on the Song of Songs, to a study of Byzantine marriage; from the love poetry in the Anthology to the apparent desacralization of erotism studied by H.-G. Beck in his Byzantinisches Erotikon; from the ever-lasting reading of the Greek novels to the erotic connotations – or not – of virginity and mystical experience. More metaphorical subjects such as the “love of learning” are also welcome.


Please send your abstract, no later than May 31st, 2017, to, Any query or comment will also be more than welcome.

Affiche ici.

Séminaire de Mme Ioanna Rapti (EPHE) – Programme du 2e semestre

Histoire de l’art et archéologie et du monde byzantin et de l’Orient chrétien

Ioanna Rapti – directrice d’étude, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Programme 2 semestre

17 rue de la Sorbonne salle 59


22 février

9-10 Lilyana Yordanova

The Issues of Visual Narrative, Literary Patronage and Display of Virtues of a Bulgarian Tsar in the Fourteenth century

10-11 Manuscrits bilingues à l’époque byzantine tardive


1 mars

9-11h Le psautier Hamilton : aspects matériels

11-12h Byzantinische Elfenbeianarbeiten


8 mars

9-11h Ioanna Rapti

  • Psautier Hamilton question matérielles
  • Les tableaux de la phototèque Gabriel Millet : un enjeu scientifique et patrimonial
  • Regards sur l’art chrétien : l’enjeu de voir et de montrer (autour des expositions récentes)


15 Mars

Tassos Papacostas KCL

Chypre aux alentours de l’an 1300 : architecture et espace urbain


22 mars

9-10h Pierre Charrey

Mesure et imaginaire social à Byzance : les poids protobyzantins et leurs décors (IVe-VIIe siècle)

10-11h Camilla Musci Les collections d’art byzantin en Italie au début du XXe siècle et leur dispersion

11-12h Maria Chronopoulou Les homélies liturgiques de saint Grégoire de Nazianze. L’ouvrage de Galavaris et le manuscrit Par. gr. 550


29 mars

9-10 François Miran

Images de la Vierge dans la tradition syriaque médiévale

10-11h L’exaltation de la Vierge en images : culte marial et essor de l’Acathiste

11-12h Présentation des expositions réalisées dans le cadre du symposium Global Byzantium


26 avril 9h-12h

La culture des commanditaires au XIIIe siècle : trois thèses en cours

Geoffrey Meyer-Fernandez (Aix-Marseille) Portraits de donateurs en Chypre Lusignan

Véronique Deur-Petiteau (EPHE) Image et pouvoir en Serbie médiévale

Lilyana Yordanova (EPHE) Commande et donation pieuse en Bulgarie médiévale



3 mai 9-11h

Denis Stathakopoulos KCL

Identity, language and culture in the late Byzantine world

11-12h Présentation de mémoire : Le sacrifice d’Isaac



10 mai

9h-11h Manuela Studer (Fribourg)

Les préfigurations de la Vierge dans les programmes iconographiques byzantins


17 mai

Charbel Nassif Paris-Sorbonne

L’influence arabe sur les arts des chrétiens d’Orient (XVIIe-XIXe siècles) 


24 mai

9-10h Nina Iamanidzé UMR 6781

Art géorgien en transition : originalités, inspirations et décadence aux XIIIe-XIVe siècles.

11-12h Sipana Tchakerian Paris 1

Images de la Vierge sur les stèles arméniennes

Dumbarton Oaks Summer School 2017 on Byzantine coins and seals

2017 Coins and Seals PosterDumbarton Oaks Summer School 2017 on Byzantine coins and seals

The summer program will take place from JULY 3 TO 28, 2017, under the direction of Dr. Eurydice Georganteli (History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University) and Dr. Jonathan Shea (Dumbarton Oaks and George Washington University).  For additional information and application guidelines, please consult the following link:

Conférence de M. Dmitry Afigenov – 25 janvier 2017

 Conférence de M. Dmitry Afigenov – 25 janvier 2017

dans le cadre du séminaire de M. Constantin ZUCKERMAN

La régence de Théodora et le règne de Michel III

dans les chroniques byzantines



Professeur à l’Université d’Etat Lomonosov de Moscou

   donnera une conférence sur le thème

Théophane le Prêtre, un écrivain peu connu de l’entourage du patriarche Méthode*


   En Sorbonne, salle D064 (escalier E, 1er étage à droite)

mercredi le 25 janvier, de 16 h à 18 h




Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques
45-47, rue des Écoles – 75005 Paris
(entrée par le 17, rue de la Sorbonne,  esc. E, 1er étage, à droite)


*La conférence aura lieu en anglais