Call for Papers – OUBS Graduate Conference February 22-23 2019, University of Oxford

Call for Papers – OUBS Graduate Conference February 22-23 2019, University of Oxford

« Contested Heritage: adaptation, restoration and innovation in the Late Antique and Byzantine world », Oxford University Byzantine Society, 22-23 February 2019, History Faculty, Oxford.


Byzantines considered themselves the legitimate heirs of the ancient world, a title they passionately defended against emerging empires east and west that also claimed hereditary rights to the Graeco-Roman past. From the fostering of cultural, scientific, and literary revivals and the commissioning of projects that used a well-established artistic and architectural vocabulary to the collection, conservation and display of consecrated ancient artefacts, anachronism was a powerful political and cultural tool, frequently used to build analogies with either past prosperity or a divine eternity. In addition, the use of deliberate archaism in literary forms and language served as both a demonstration of classical learning and elite status. Especially in Constantinople, ceremonial practices not only invited the participants to experience past events as if they were present, but also processed through consecrated landmarks from different historical periods – merging perception of space and time in a single, collective experience. Nevertheless, literary sources, such as the Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai, reveal that Byzantines sometimes had only a limited understanding of their own history and urban heritage. They compensate with interpretations, based on oral tradition and observation that often endowed ancient architectural remains and statues with a contemporary relevance. Subsequently this interpretation of the past was actively reshaped to fit contemporary worldviews. Lastly, extensive reuse of ancient material dominates our perception of Byzantium. Innovative aspects of its cultural output therefore often lie unnoticed and are deserving of greater scholarly attention.

Including contributions on political, social, literary, architectural and artistic history, and covering geographical areas throughout the central and eastern Mediterranean and beyond, this conference aims to provide a kaleidoscopic view of how cultural heritage was constructed, perceived and maintained in Late Antiquity and Byzantium. To that end, we encourage submissions from all graduate students and young researchers, encompassing, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Literary works: stylistic imitation, adaptation and innovation in form and function of narrative sources and other literary production, as well as incorporation of older texts, historiographical traditions and archaiologia.
  • Manuscripts: scribal habits, palimpsests, marginal comments, illustrations and other decorative elements.
  • Architecture and urbanism: repurposing, adaptation and restoration of buildings and sites, architectural innovation and symbolism, monumentality, genius loci, use of spolia.
  • Religious objects: translation of relics, liturgical equipment, and vestments.
  • Ceremonial practice: religious processions, triumphs, adventus.
  • New aesthetics, especially in the reuse of old material.
  • Sculpture: interpretation and repurposing of ancient statues.
  • Epigraphy: textual content, form and style, use and location.
  • Mosaics: departures from classical and late antique mosaics, reuse of materials and reinterpretation of existing compositions.
  • Numismatics: reuse, adaption, or creation of imagery or types.
  • Comparative perspectives of the above elsewhere, in opposition or concordance with practices in Byzantium.
  • The past as a framework for political, legal and economic discourse.
  • Contemporary reaction to innovation, both overt and when disguised as restoration.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words, along with a short academic biography in the third person, to the Oxford University Byzantine Society at by Friday, 23rd November 2018.

Papers should be 20 minutes in length and may be delivered in English or French.

As with previous conferences, there will be a publication of selected papers, chosen and reviewed by specialists from the University of Oxford in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies. Speakers wishing to have their papers considered for publication should try to be as close to the theme as possible in their abstract and paper. Nevertheless, all submissions are warmly invited.

Cycle de conférences de Günder VARINLIOǦLU – The Archaeology of Late Antique and Medieval Cilicia: Landscape, Architecture, and Connectivity

Cycle de conférences de Günder VARINLIOǦLU – « The Archaeology of Late Antique and Medieval Cilicia: Landscape, Architecture, and Connectivity »

Invitée par Catherine Saliou et Ioanna Rapti de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Günder VARINLIOǦLU, directrice d’étude à Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University à Istanbul, donnera un cycle de conférence sur le thème « The Archaeology of Late Antique and Medieval Cilicia: Landscape, Architecture, and Connectivity »:

  • Jeudi 24 mai 2018 de 14h à 16h, en Sorbonne, salle D52 – « Moving into and across Cilicia: pilgrims, traders, and armies »
  • Mercredi 30 mai 2018 de 14h à 16h, en Sorbonne, salle D59 – « Building with limestone: the architectural landscapes of rural Cilicia »
  • Mercredi 6 juin 2018 de 14h à 16h, en Sorbonne, salle D59 – « Urban space and architecture in late antique and medieval Cilicia »
  • Jeudi 7 juin 2018 de 14h à 16h, en Sorbonne, salle D52 – « The islandscapes of the Taşucu Gulf: Boğsak Archaeological Survey (BOGA) from 2010 to present »

Pour consulter l’affiche, cliquez ici.

Conférences IMAGO-EIKΩN « Histoires chrétiennes en images » – le 31 mai et le 21 juin 2018

Conférences IMAGO-EIKΩN « Histoires chrétiennes en images » – le 31 mai et le 21 juin 2018


Dans le cadre du programme de recherche  Imago-Eikon. Regards croisés sur l’image chrétienne médiévale entre Orient et Occident, vous êtes cordialement convié-e-s à deux demi-journées de conférences et débats autour du thème :  Histoires chrétiennes en images : espace, temps et structure de la narration.

Les  jeudis 31 mai et 21 juin 2018, de 14h à 18h.

Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris,   salle Vasari (entrée libre)

Organisation scientifique :

Sulamith Brodbeck, Anne-Orange Poilpré, Isabelle Marchesin et Ioanna Rapti.

 Jeudi 31 mai 2018

« Les temporalités de l’image : mobilité de la narration, fixité de l’image »

– Francesca Dell’ Acqua (Università di Salerno), Telling the Incarnation during Byzantine Iconoclasm
– Pierre-Yves le Pogam (Musée du Louvre), Le langage des retables à la fin du Moyen Âge : séquençage et mise en page
– Liz James (University of Sussex), Narrative and the Wall Mosaic: Telling a Story or Filling the Wall?
Répondant : Jean-Marie Guillouët (Université de Nantes)

•  Jeudi 21 juin 2018

« Les temporalités de l’image : construction et déploiement du récit dans l’espace »

– Ivan Foletti (Université de Brno), Quand l’histoire devient prétexte : les cycles narratifs de Rome au Ve siècle
– Sébastien Douchet (Université Aix-Marseille), Narratologies du texte et de l’image : faire le récit de la création du monde
– Mary Cunningham (University of Nottingham), The Portrayal of Joachim and Anna in Byzantine Texts and Images: An Intersection of Historical and Liturgical Time
Répondant : Jannic Durand (Musée du Louvre)

Programme ici.

Offre d’emploi – Assistant Professor of Medieval or Early Modern Mediterranean History (Kalamazoo College)

Offre d’emploi

Assistant Professor of Medieval or Early Modern Mediterranean History (Kalamazoo College)


The Department of History at Kalamazoo College invites applications for a tenure-track position as assistant professor of Medieval or Early Modern Mediterranean history, to begin in September 2018. As the sole member of the department responsible for this period, the successful candidate will be expected to offer introductory and upper-division undergraduate courses on the Mediterranean, Europe, and the Islamic world or Colonial Latin America. These classes should reflect their specific expertise and the broader geographic and conceptual scope of the field. We also seek applicants willing and able to help reimagine the department’s current curriculum. We are especially interested in transnational approaches to Mediterranean history focusing on issues such as (but not limited to) ethnicity, migration, majority/minority relations, gender, and the interaction between the different religious and imperial entities of the region. The successful applicant will also teach within the College’s Shared Passages Program of first-year and sophomore seminars and senior capstone courses. The teaching load is six courses per year on a quarter system (2/2/2), with additional duties including directing senior theses and academic advising.

Ph.D. or evidence of imminent completion is required. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. The successful candidate will have demonstrated a high aptitude for and interest in undergraduate teaching, a commitment to the liberal arts, and a promise of scholarly excellence.

Kalamazoo College is a highly selective nationally known liberal arts college offering an integrated undergraduate experience that weaves a traditional liberal arts curriculum into educational experiences in both domestic and international settings. The campus is located midway between Chicago and Detroit in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a metropolitan community of 225,000 that supports several college and university campuses along with numerous civic arts and cultural associations.

Completed applications received by October 16, 2017 will receive full consideration, with later applications reviewed as needed until the position is filled. Upload cover letter, CV, detailed statement of teaching philosophy and goals, description of scholarly interests, statement on experience working with underrepresented students and engaging issues of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum and pedagogical approaches, and undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial acceptable) in PDF format below. Please have three confidential letters of recommendation sent in PDF format to with a subject line in the format lastname_firstname. Please send all inquiries to Dr. Joseph J. Bangura, Chair of the Search Committee.

Kalamazoo College encourages candidates who will contribute to the cultural diversity of the College to apply and to identify themselves if they wish. Equal Opportunity Employer.

To apply:

Appel à contribution – 2018 Annual Conference of the Association for Art History (U.K.)

Call for Papers
Medieval Eurabia: Religious Crosspollinations in Architecture, Art and Material Culture during the High and Late Middle Ages (1000-1600)

2018 Annual Conference of the Association for Art History (U.K.)


Panel organised by Sami De Giosa, Oxford University and Nikolaos Vryzidis, British School at Athens

Venue: Courtauld Institute of Art & King’s College London
Date: 5 – 7 April 2018, London

The coexistence of Christianity and Islam in the Medieval Mediterranean led to a transfer of knowledge in architecture and material culture which went well beyond religious and geographical boundaries. The use of Islamic objects in Christian contexts, the conversion of churches into mosques and the mobility of craftsmen are manifestations of this process. Although studies beginning with Avinoam Shalem’s Islam Christianized (1996), have dealt extensively with Islamic influence in the West and European influence in the Islamic Mediterranean, sacred objects, and material culture more generally, have been relatively neglected. From crosses found in Mosques, to European-Christian coins with pseudo/-shahada inscriptions, medieval material culture is rife with visual evidence of the two faiths co-existing in both individual objects and monuments.

This panel invites papers from scholars working on intercultural exchange in art, architecture and material culture. We particularly welcome contributions that focus on sacred objects that have been diverted or ‘converted’ to a new purpose, whether inside or outside an explicitly religious context.

Papers should present original research, which expands the boundaries of knowledge and which the scholars would like to be considered for publication. Abstract should be no more than 250 words long.

Deadline: 1 November 2017