Séminaire du CEBNHSEE — Analyse littéraire de polémique religieuse

 aura lieu le lundi 18 novembre de 18h à 20h en salle 1, RdC, bât. le France 190-198 av de France 75013 Paris.
Annonce sur le site de l’EHESS: ici

Dans cette séance, Bexen Campos (doctorant CEBNHSEE) présentera les résultats de ses recherches sur

L’analyse littéraire des textes de polémique religieuse à Byzance,
l’exemple des Trophées de Damas, texte chrétien de polémique antijuive du VIIe siècle.

L’étude de textes à contenu religieux à Byzance a été longtemps négligée. Ces textes ont été utilisés pour leur intérêt théologique ou pour fournir des informations précises, mais complètement détachées de leur contexte, dans le cadre de recherches concernant un sujet en particulier, mais les études littéraires s’intéressant aux textes pour eux-mêmes restent rares. Les difficultés sont multiples et concernent principalement l’approche des textes religieux et l’écart culturel qui existe entre le travail des auteurs et nos propres attentes à l’égard de la littérature religieuse byzantine. En prenant comme exemple les Trophées de Damas, dialogue de polémique antijuive, nous montrerons comment une approche basée sur une analyse de la structure du texte peut être utilisée dans certains cas et le poids énorme que peut avoir le contexte littéraire, historique et culturel dans l’interprétation de l’ouvrage.

Colloque de doctorants — The City and the cities à Oxford

The City and the cities: From Constantinople to the frontier

The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s

XVI International Graduate Conference

28th February – 1st March 2014, History Faculty, University of Oxford


The Classical Roman Empire has been described as an ‘empire of cities’, and both the reality and ideal of civic life remain central to its late-Antique and Medieval successor. Indeed, the term ‘Byzantine’ itself shows the importance placed by scholars on Constantine I’s refounding of Byzantion as the New Rome. Yet in 330 A.D. Constantinople was part of an urban landscape which included other, more ancient civic centres, whilst by 1453 A.D. little else remained but the City, itself a collection of villages and the Theodosian walls the frontier. Across this Byzantine millennium Constantinople was inextricably linked to the other cities of the empire, from the Golden Horn to the ever-shifting frontiers. With the apparent seventh-century disappearance of city-life in the broad new Anatolian borderlands, the strength of the Greek mainland in the twelfth century, and the rise of post-Byzantine cities in the old western frontiers of southern Italy and Venice, the vicissitudes of urban life in the empire are undoubtedly linked to each moment of change. Constantinopolitan artistic and architectural forms are fleshed in the local materials of Ravenna in the sixth century, and in the eleventh and twelfth centuries provincially-born men, educated in the City, become the bright lights of the so-called Komnenian Renaissance. Yet how are we to understand this dialectic between the City, the cities, and the imperial frontier? Moreover, what are the methodologies and conceptual frameworks which we might use to approach these issues?

We are calling for papers which explore the myriad approaches towards these issues, in all fields of Late Antique and Byzantine studies, including history, archaeology, history of art, theology, literature, intellectual history, and philology. Possible themes might include:

 – Constantinople’s Place in the Empire

 – The Changing Urban Landscape

 – Civic and Provincial Art

 – The Bishops and the Cities

 – Civic and Provincial Intellectual Life

 – The Civic Ideal and Imperial Citizenship

 – Garrisoning the Cities, Guarding the Frontiers

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words, along with a short academic biography in the third person, to the Oxford University Byzantine Society at byzantine.society@gmail.com by Friday, 29th November 2013. Papers should be 20 minutes in length, and may be delivered in English or French. For the first time the publication is in process of a selection of on-theme and inter-related papers from last year’s conference, having been chosen and reviewed by specialised readers from the University of Oxford’s Late Antique and Byzantine Studies department. We intend to do the same this year, and so any speakers wishing to have their papers considered for publication should try to be as on-theme as possible in their abstract and paper. Nevertheless, all submissions are warmly invited. More details will be sent to successful submissions soon after the deadline. Subject to funding, the OUBS hopes to offer subsidised accommodation for visiting speakers.

Bourse post-doc — Université du Tennessee


The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, invites applications for the 2013-2014 Jimmy and Dee Haslam Postdoctoral Fellowship, a one-year fellowship to be held August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014 and renewable for one year. The Haslam Fellowship is open to untenured scholars in any field of late antique, medieval or Renaissance studies whose work falls in the period 300-1700 C.E. The Institute hopes to attract a scholar of outstanding potential with an innovative research plan, who will participate fully in the intellectual life of the Marco community throughout the academic year. During the course of the year, the Fellow will teach one upper-division undergraduate class and one graduate seminar in his or her field of expertise. Seminars will preferably use primary source materials. The Fellow receives a $1,000 travel stipend and is eligible to apply for additional travel and research funding through the Institute. Salary is $40,000 and includes full benefits.

Online application form, curriculum vitae, detailed research plan (2 single-spaced pages), and two letters of reference must be submitted by April 1, 2013. To apply, please visit the link: https://ut.taleo.net/careersection/ut_knoxville/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1300000031, which takes you to Marco’s specific posting on UT’s online application program. You will be able to complete the online form after registering. The online application provides you with opportunities to upload your c.v. and research plan. Please ask referees to send recommendations under separate cover by email attachment (Word or pdf preferred) to Heather Hirschfeld, Riggsby Director, Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, at marco@utk.edu. Recommendations should also be received by April 1, 2013.

Information on the Marco Institute is available at http://web.utk.edu/~marco/. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.

Publication — Nouvelle base de données

Nouvelle base de Données

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer qu’une base de données intitulée «Artefacts and Raw Materials in Byzantine Archival Documents / Objets et matériaux dans les documents d’archives byzantins» est désormais accessible à l’adresse http://www.unifr.ch/go/apb.


Arrivés à cette page – Ressources byzantines, cliquez sur Typika !

Elle rassemble tous les termes qui concernent les « artefacts » et les matériaux qui se rencontrent dans les documents d’archive byzantins publiés. Chaque occurrence d’un terme fait l’objet d’une fiche ainsi qu’un commentaire plus ou moins développé insistant, lorsque nécessaire, sur les particularités de l’occurrence en question. Chaque terme fait par ailleurs l’objet d’une fiche de synthèse où on peut trouver un commentaire général sur le terme et éventuellement quelques indications bibliographiques.

Cette base de données est encore destinée à être améliorée et complétée par nous-mêmes, mais nous faisons surtout appel à tous ceux qui trouveront des objets et des termes sur lesquels ils ont des compétences particulières. Une adresse de contact (typika@unifr.ch) permet de poser des questions sur le fonctionnement de la base, de signaler des erreurs et de proposer des compléments. Un mode d’emploi «howto.pdf» et un onglet «Help» sont à votre disposition à l’adresse indiquée pour plus d’informations.


Pour citer la base de données:

Ludovic Bender, Maria Parani, Brigitte Pitarakis, Jean-Michel Spieser, Aude Vuilloud, Artefacts and Raw Materials in Byzantine Archival Documents / Objets et matériaux dans les documents d’archives byzantins, URL: http://www.unifr.ch/go/typika.


Abréviation proposée: «ByzAD».

L. Bender, M. Parani, B. Pitarakis, J.-M. Spieser, A. Vuilloud



313 – 2013

City of Niš ~ the birth place of Constantine the Great ~ looks forward to being the venue of the great traditional international conference “ NIŠ AND BYZANTIUM“  in the year 2013, 3 – 7 June,  as XII meeting of eminent world byzantologists, this time in the sign of Constantine and the milestone in the mankind history, reflected in even nowadays actual message “CONSTANTINE, IN HOC SIGNO VINCES“.

Organizers: City of Niš, University of Niš and Niš Eparchy

International Scientific Conference “NIŠ AND BYZANTIUM  XII – C?NSTANTINE, IN HOC SIGNO VINCES  will be held with the aim of marking one of the most important dates in the history of European civilization – 1700 years of the Edict of Milan.

Organizing Board and Redaction:  His Holliness Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej; Niš Bishop Mr. Jovan; Niš University Rector Prof. Dragan Antić, PhD; Mayor of the City of Niš Zoran Perišić, MD, PhD – president of the Board; Niš City Councilor Srđan Aleksić – deputy president of the Board; dr Miša Rakocija – editor in chief of the Proceedings “Nis and Byzantium“ (Niš); Prof. Franc Curk, PhD (Niš); Dr. Irena Ljubomirović – Secretary of the Board (Niš); Prof. Slobodan Ćurčić, PhD (Prinston); Academician Dr. Ljubomir Maksimović; Academician Dr. Cvetan Grozdanov (Skopje); Academician Dr. Renate Pilinger (Vienna), Academician Dr. Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova (Skoplje); Prof. Goran Maksimović, PhD (Niš); Prof. Branko Vujović, PhD (Belgrade);  Prof. Aleksandar Kadijević, PhD (Belgrade); Prof. Hranislav Andjelković, PhD (Niš); Prof.  Graham Jones, PhD (Oxford); Dr. Lars Ramskold (Stockholm), Dr. Vujadin Ivanišević (Belgrade), Prof.  Miodrag Marković, PhD (Belgrade);  Dr. Dragan Vojvodić (Belgrade), Prof. Radivoje Radić, PhD (Belgrade); Prof. Giordana Trovabene, PhD (Venice), Ionais Sisiou, MA (Kastoria), Prof. Georgi Gerov, PhD (Sofia), Dr. Bojana Krsmanović (Belgrade); Prof. Athansios Semoglou, PhD  (Thessaloniki); Dr. Iannis D. Varalis (Volos); Prof. Martha Nagy, PhD (Debrecen), Prof. Ivanka Gergova, PhD (Sofia), Dr. Evangelia Hagitriphonos (Thessaloniki); Prof. Elizabeta Dimitrova, PhD (Skoplje); Prof. Carolyne S. Snively, PhD (Gettysburg),  Dr. Ivana Popović (Belgrade); Dr. Irina Orteskaya (Moscow), Prof. Aleksandar Popović, PhD (Belgrade); Prof. Aiello Vincenzo, PhD (Mesina); Miomir Vasov, MA (Niš); Jovan Mandić, architect (Niš), Milica Todorović (Niš), Elena Vasić Petrović, architect (Niš); Aleksandar Đorđevic, reverend, Orthodox Niš Eparchy; Olgica Davidovic, Niš University Rectorate; Ana Mišić (coordinator).
The focus of interest is early-Christian, Byzantine and post Byzantine past, as well as its reflection on later spiritual creativity, culture and art of Niš, Serbia, the Balkans and Europe, along with contemporary heritage protection, monument heritage presentation and preserving Byzantine civilization achievements. This approach  implies interdisciplinarity and presence of art historians, historians, architects, archeologists, clasic philologists, literature historians, theologists, philosophers….

  • Please, find the application form on cliquer ici
  • Application Deadline: 01.05.2013.
  • Abstract is to be in Serbian or English language
  • The participants are required to furnish the organizers with their respective papers together with complete scientific references by September 1, 2013
  • All Europen languages are equal for paper works writting
  • Paper works presentation eliglible in Serbian, English or Russian


Ana Mišić, Mayor’s Office, 7. juli 2, 18000 Niš, Serbia, Phone/fax: +381 (0)18/504-408;  e-mail: ana.misic@gu.ni.rs

dr Miša Rakocija, Institute for Cultural Monuments Protection Niš, Dobrička  2, 18000 Niš, Serbia, Phone: +381 (0)18/523-414; e-mail: mirakocija@gmail.com