ressources électroniques — périodiques grecs en ligne

Les revues grecques consacrées aux études byzantines sont parfois difficiles d’accès.

D’autres, présentant ponctuellement des articles d’intérêt pour notre discipline, ne sont pas dans nos bibliothèques spécialisées.

Leur numérisation change aujourd’hui la donne.

Voir une liste de travail des revues grecques librement accessibles en ligne

Une inscription (gratuite) peut être nécessaire.

Merci de contribuer à cette liste si vous le souhaitez.

catalogue en ligne — Travelogues

Travelogues website ( was created within the broader project of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation to promote Greek culture, and especially Greek literature, on a national and international level. This website aims to make known the graphic materials found in travel accounts of journeys to Greece and the eastern Mediterranean from the 15th century onwards, and thus contribute both to students’ education and scientific research. An important part of the editions that constituted the data base of the website belongs to the Historical Library of the Foundation, currently under construction.

Travelogues will periodically be updated with material from major libraries in Greece, such as Gennadius Library and Benaki Museum Library. This material, already in process, spans the time from the 15th to the early 20th century. Of approximately 4500 images, 560 have already been incorporated in the website’s collections. In the same sense, the bibliography shall be updated with the most recent research contributions. User feedback will be taken into consideration and the pertinent modifications will get reflected.

Exposition en ligne — Beth Shean After Antiquity

I’m pleased to announce the official launch of Beth Shean After Antiquity, an online exhibition and archive of the materials excavated at Beth Shean by the University of Pennsylvania from 1921–1933.

Contributors: Megan Boomer, Matthew Chalmers, Victoria Fleck, Joseph Kopta, Robert Ousterhout (project director), James Shackelford, Rebecca Vandewalle, and Arielle Winnik.

BSAA is a collaborative project of Penn’s History of Art Department, the Penn Museum, and the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts at Penn Libraries, with support from the Digital Humanities Forum.

Check it out!

Appel à contribution — Against Gravity: Building Practices in the Pre-Industrial World

20-22 March 2015

University of Pennsylvania

Call for Papers


Following on the success of “Masons at Work”(held in spring 2012, and published as, the symposium aims to assemble specialists to examine building practices in the pre-industrial world, with an emphasis on Greek, Roman, Byzantine, medieval, and pre-modern Islamic architecture. In addition to invited speakers, we are soliciting 20-minute papers that examine the problems which pre-modern masons commonly encountered – and the solutions they developed – in the process of design and construction.  Evidence may be drawn from a variety of sources, but we encourage studies based on the analysis of well-preserved buildings.

Those wishing to speak should submit by email a letter to the organizing committee, including name, title, institutional affiliation, paper title, plus a summary of 200 words or fewer.  Graduate students should include a note of support from their adviser. Deadline: 15 November 2014.  The final program will be announced immediately thereafter.  Submit proposals to with “Against Gravity” in the subject line.

Organizing Committee: Lothar Haselberger, Renata Holod, Robert Ousterhout