Appel à contribution – Open Patrologia Graeca Online

Help sought with Metadata for the Open Patrologia Graeca Online

Perseus Project and the Open Philology Project
The University of Leipzig and Tufts University

We are looking for help in preparing metadata for the Patrologia Graeca (PG) component of what we are calling the Open Migne Project, an attempt to make the most useful possible transcripts of the full Patrologia Graeca and Patrologia Latina freely available. Help can consist of proofreading, additional tagging, and checking the volume/column references to the actual PG. In particular, we would welcome seeing this data converted into a dynamic index into online copies of the PG in, the HathiTrust, Google Books, or Europeana. For now, we make the working XML metadata document available on an as-is basis.

more info:

Appel à contribution – Fourth International Graduate Student Conference of CEMS


Ideology, Knowledge, and Society in the Eastern Mediterranean

Fourth International Graduate Student Conference of CEMS
Central European University
Budapest, 4-6 June 2015

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the forthcoming graduate student conference hosted by Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (CEMS) at Central European University. The conference will run from June 4 to June 6, 2015. The workshop intends to provide a forum for graduate students specializing in any discipline related to the study of the eastern Mediterranean from antiquity to early modernity to present their current research, exchange ideas, and develop scholarly networks (see “Conference Description” below).

Please send a short paper proposal (approximately 300 words) together with a paragraph about your affiliation and academic interests by February 15, 2015 to

The organizing committee intends to publish a selection of interrelated papers, based on their quality and pertinence to the topic, in an edited volume.

Conference Description:

One of the key objectives of the workshop is to work against the grain of long-established disciplinary boundaries by discussing the ways in which ideology and knowledge were inherited, transmitted, and exchanged in all areas of society in diachronic and synchronic terms:

• How was ideology or knowledge – referring to theory of knowledge (from philosophy to political thought) as well as its practical applications (technology, warfare etc.) – particularized through accommodation, modification, and departure once it was inherited?
• Under what circumstances and frameworks can one see genuine curiosity, selective accommodation, and outright rejection of cultural interaction within and/or across polity/polities?

Papers will be invited to present case studies and reflect upon the question of how, in an increasingly diversified and specialized academic environment, meaningful comparative and/or longue-durée studies across disciplines and source languages (inter alia, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Syriac, Coptic, Hebrew), can be accomplished.

Possible themes include, but are not limited to:
• Philosophy and Science in the Late Antique, Byzantine, and Ottoman Worlds
• History of Learning and Culture
• Religious Debate and Philosophical Dialogue
• Byzantine Literature
• Legal Thought and Practice
• Political Thought and the Art of Rulership
• Intellectual History and History of Reading
• History Writing, Memory, and Identity
• Knowledge and Authority
• Cultural Translation and Knowledge Production
• Artistic Interaction and Exchange in the Mediterranean
• Ideology and Legitimation of Power
• Performance in Byzantium
• Cultural History of Warfare and Transfer of Military Technology

Keynote Speakers:

George Karamanolis (University of Vienna)
Helen Pfeifer (University of Cambridge)

Accommodation and Travel Grants

All participants will be offered accommodation for the full duration of the conference at CEU Residence Center. A limited amount of travel grants are available to encourage participation from a wide range of individuals and institutions. Those who wish to be considered for the grant should include an additional justification in their paper proposals.

Organizing Committee

Ivan Marić (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)
Nirvana Silnović (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEMS Junior Member Representative)
H. Evren Sünnetçioğlu (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)
Máté Veres (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy)

Séminaires du CERHIC – Christianismes orientaux

Les christianismes dans l’Orient européen et méditerranéen (XVe-XIXe siècle)

Échanges, compétitions, mimétismes

De 11 h à 13 h, EHESS, salle Alphonse-Dupront, 10 rue Monsieur-le-Prince 75006 Paris – Métro : ligne 4, Station Odéon

Séminaire organisé et animé par :
Aurélien Girard (, maître de conférences à l’université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Bernard Heyberger (, directeur d’études à l’EHESS, directeur d’études à l’EPHE. (Cet enseignant est référent pour cette UE)
Laurent Tatarenko (, membre scientifique de l’École française de Rome.

Du temps des réformes à l’âge des nationalismes, les communautés chrétiennes de l’Europe orientale et de l’Empire ottoman connurent de profondes mutations politiques et religieuses. L’historiographie récente a entrepris de renouveler l’étude de ces communautés. Mais la connaissance des langues, la spécialisation par aires culturelles voire par confessions, ou encore un cloisonnement par traditions nationales, n’ont pas permis jusqu’alors de saisir les mutations dans leur globalité. Ce séminaire connectera des historiographies et mettra en dialogue les recherches en cours, non seulement pour dégager les circulations entre les espaces et les échanges entre les communautés, mais aussi pour décrire la cristallisation des confessions rivales, un processus ni linéaire ni achevé. Nous croiserons donc les points de vue et les échelles d’observation, depuis l’analyse des parcours individuels jusqu’à l’ecclésiologie. Nous prêterons une attention particulière au problème de la transposition des modèles culturels et institutionnels, et à l’imitation de l’adversaire confessionnel dans la compétition locale. Il s’agit donc de dégager un ensemble d’objets d’étude, qui peuvent aussi dépasser l’espace indiqué, et de notions communes qui, sans effacer la spécificité des contextes et des sociétés considérés, offriraient des pistes pour l’écriture d’une histoire croisée du fait religieux sur les frontières confessionnelles de l’Europe et de l’espace méditerranéen.

  •  4 février 2015 : Elena Astafieva (CNRS-CERCEC) : Le savoir moderne de l’Église orthodoxe russe sur le catholicisme (XIXe-début du XXe siècle)
  •  4 mars 2015 : Ovidiu Olar (CRH-EHESS) : Cyrille Loukaris : un patriarche oriental au « temps des confessions ».
  •  1er avril 2015 : Sebastien Garnier (EPHE) : Questions liturgiques chez les chrétiens de l’empire ottoman.
  •  6 mai 2015 : Vassa Kontouma (EPHE) : La « Confession de foi » de Dosithée II de Jérusalem (1672).
  •  20 mai 2015 : Bernard Heyberger (EHESS-EPHE) / Nikki Papailiaki (EPHE) / Laurent Tatarenko (École française de Rome) : Les confréries chrétiennes (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) : sociabilités, dévotions et concurrences (mer Égée, Proche-Orient, République polono-lituanienne).
  •  3 juin 2015 : Ihor Skočyljas (Université catholique ukrainienne de L’viv) : Slavia unita et Slavia orthodoxa face aux modèles du christianisme occidental : la formation des entités ecclésiales de la métropole de Kiev entre l’Union de Brest et l’Âge des Lumières (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle). Discutant : Alexandre Lavrov (université Paris IV-Sorbonne)

Plus d’information ici.

Appel à contribution – Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World

Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World
Series Editor: John Steele

Series description

Scientific texts provide our main source for understanding the history of science in the ancient and medieval world. The aim of this series is to provide clear and accurate English translations of key scientific texts accompanied by up-to-date commentaries dealing with both textual and scientific aspects of the works and accessible contextual introductions setting the works within the broader history of ancient science. In doing so, the series will make these works accessible to scholars and students in a variety of disciplines including history of science, the sciences, and history (including Classics, Assyriology, East Asian Studies, Near Eastern Studies and Indology). Thus, the series will be of use both in the teaching of history and the history of science and for researchers on ancient science. In addition, the series will provide a venue for the publication of original research on early scientific texts, in particular through the commentaries.

Texts will be included from all branches of early science including astronomy, mathematics, medicine, biology, and physics, and which are written in a range of ancient languages including Akkadian, Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. Priority will be given to the publication of texts which have either not previously been translated into English or where the existing translation and/or commentary has been rendered significantly out of date by more recent research.

Each volume will be devoted to a particular text and will contain the following elements:

1. An extensive introduction (ca. 20,000 words) to the text, its author, and its place in the history of science. This introduction will also include discussion of the sources in which the text is preserved. The introduction should be accessible to readers from outside the discipline.

2. An edition of the text. (To be omitted if there already exists a standard edition on which the translation is based.)

3. English translation of the text.

4. Commentary. The commentary will include both textual and scientific aspects.

Please email John Steele (Professor and Chair, Department of Egyptology and Assyriology, Brown University) at if you would like any further information about the series or if you are interested in contributing.

Colloque – Ημερίδα επιστημονικού διαλόγου για τη Βυζαντινή Λογοτεχνία

Ημερίδα επιστημονικού διαλόγου για τη
Βυζαντινή Λογοτεχνία
Παρασκευή 28 Νοεμβρίου 2014, Αμφιθέατρο
«Στέφανος Δραγούμης», Μουσείο Βυζαντινού
Πολιτισμού Θεσσαλονίκης
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