Colloque – Individus, piraterie, représailles et contrebande en Méditerranée orientale et en Adriatique (XIIe-XVe siècle)


Individus, piraterie, représailles et contrebande en Méditerranée orientale et en Adriatique (XIIe-XVe siècle) : les acteurs des échanges face aux abus et aux violences

29 – 30 octobre 2015, Logis du Roy – Square Jules Bocquet – Amiens

À travers le cas de la Méditerranée orientale et de son annexe adriatique au bas Moyen Âge, zone d’interaction des espaces latin, byzantin et musulman, la rencontre s’intéresse au comportement des acteurs dans toutes les formes de prédation qui s’exercent sur les échanges. La piraterie est une manifestation particulièrement bien connue de ce prélèvement violent, mais on se penchera aussi sur les mécanismes des représailles, la contrebande ainsi que les abus des agents publics à l’égard des acteurs privés des échanges. Bien que ces derniers abus puissent être coutumiers et impliquer alors une forme de consentement des victimes, ce consentement n’est jamais complètement acquis et ces types de prélèvement restent perçus comme essentiellement inéquitables et à ce titre susceptibles de recours auprès des autorités de l’une ou l’autre partie. La contrebande constitue quant à elle une réponse des acteurs à un prélèvement que les autorités considèrent comme pleinement légitime mais qui n’en est pas moins jugé lui aussi excessif par ceux à qui il est imposé. Tous ces phénomènes sont générateurs d’information documentaire sur les individus, mais ils contribuent aussi directement au processus même d’individuation : le pirate comme ses victimes, l’agent douanier comme ses proies ont besoin de définir l’identité de l’autre et son allégeance politique, que ce soit pour justifier le prélèvement forcé ou pour en réclamer compensation. Les autorités étatiques doivent aussi répertorier, nommer et classer les acteurs individuels, que ce soit pour les protéger des abus ou les en indemniser, ou au contraire pour justifier ceux qu’ils ont commis à leur égard. Dans le mécanisme des représailles, la définition de la chaîne des allégeances est essentielle, car elle établit celle des responsabilités partagées. Au-delà de leur saveur pittoresque et des techniques de leur mise en récits documentaire, tous ces phénomènes sont donc singulièrement éclairants du point de vue de l’histoire des individus.

Programme du colloque ici.

Offre de bourse post-doctorale – Irish Research Council

Offre de bourse post-doctorale – Irish Research Council

The Irish Research Council (IRC) has recently opened the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme for 2016.  The scheme provides funding across all disciplines for one- and two-year postdoctoral research projects.  Applications may be made only with the support of a suitable Academic Mentor at an eligible higher education institution in the Republic of Ireland.

The Maynooth University Department of Ancient Classics will support outstanding applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships.  Anyone who may be interested in applying for a Fellowship through the Department should:

1.  Consult the detailed information concerning the Fellowships, including the terms and conditions, provided at, noting in particular the eligibility criteria and the deadline dates.

2.  Seek to identify a suitable Mentor in the Maynooth University Department of Ancient Classics.  Details of the academic staff in the Department and their research interests may be found at

3.  Contact the potential Mentor directly to discuss the proposed project and its suitability for being undertaken under his or her Mentorship.  A good ‘fit’ between project and proposed Mentor is essential.

4.  Register as a prospective applicant with the Maynooth University Graduate Studies Office by completing the online form at, in order to receive updates about the call for applications.  It is not necessary to register for the on-campus information session to which the form refers, nor is it necessary to secure agreement from a potential Mentor before completing the form.  Please note, however, that registration as a prospective applicant does not imply that the Maynooth University Department of Ancient Classics will necessarily support an application from that prospective applicant.

Potential applicants should further note that these Fellowships are subject to intense competition, and that the Department will only support applications considered to have a very high chance of success.

Applications must be made through the IRC’s online submission system by the deadline of 16:00 GMT on Tuesday 24 November.  Please note that other deadlines, for referees, proposed Mentor, and the host institution, follow in short order.

Offre de bourse – The Gennadius Library, Athens

Offre de bourse

The Gennadius Library, Athens


The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the academic programs and fellowships for the 2016-2017 academic year at the Gennadius Library. Opened in 1926 with 26,000 volumes from diplomat and bibliophile, Joannes Gennadius, the Gennadius Library now holds a richly diverse collection of over 125,000 books and rare bindings, archives, manuscripts, and works of art illuminating the Hellenic tradition and neighboring cultures. The Library has become an internationally renowned center for the study of Greek history, literature, and art, especially from the Byzantine period to modern times.

THE M. ALISON FRANTZ FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D.’s from colleges or universities in the U.S. or Canada for work in the Gennadius Library for full academic year. Stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees.
Link to Frantz bulletin

MEDIEVAL GREEK SUMMER SESSION AT THE GENNADIUS LIBRARY (2017): Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars in any field of late antique, post-antique, Byzantine or medieval studies at any university worldwide. Month-long program in intermediate level Medieval Greek language and philology at the Gennadius Library, with site and museum trips. Up to twelve scholarships available. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2017.

COTSEN TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP FOR RESEARCH IN GREECE: Short-term travel-to collections award of $2,000 for senior scholars and graduate students for projects and research at the Gennadius Library. Open to all nationalities. At least one month of residency required. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2016.
Link to Cotsen bulletin

THE GEORGE PAPAIOANNOU FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidates or recent Ph.D.’s writing on Greece in the 1940’s and the post-war period. Fellows are required to make use of and refer to the George Papaioannou Papers housed at the Archives of the Gennadius Library. Open to all nationalities. Stipend of €1,000. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2016.
Link to Papaioannou bulletin

NEH FELLOWSHIPS: Awards for postdoctoral scholars and professionals in the humanities. Terms: Two to four fellowships, five to ten months in duration. Maximum stipend for a five-month project, $21,000; for a ten-month project, $42,000.  U.S. citizens or foreign nationals being U.S. residents for three years before application deadline. Candidates must hold their Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree at time of application. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31, 2015.
Link to NEH bulletin

For further information, consult the ASCSA website at:

Gennadius Library Address: 61 Souidias Street, GR-106 76, Athens, Greece
School Address: 54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76 Athens, Greece
U.S. Office: 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232

Offre de bourse – The Pennsylvania State University


The Center for Humanities and Information at The Pennsylvania State University seeks up to four visiting fellows for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic years.

Taking “information” in its broadest possible senses, the Center aims to bring together a diverse, interdisciplinary group of scholars who read and think widely across fields, geographical space, and historical time. Fellowships are awarded at two levels: Senior Fellowships, appropriate for scholars employed in tenure-track positions at any level, are for one year, and carry no teaching obligation; Junior (postdoctoral) Fellowships are for two years, and require fellows to teach one course per year. Salaries for both Senior and Junior Fellows are $50,000; support also includes research/travel funding and a benefits package. Fellows have access to research design support, as well as to grant-writing and job market workshops, career mentoring, and archival/library support and research consultation. Fellows are expected to be in residence at Penn State’s University Park campus and to participate in the Center’s weekly lunches and lecture series.

Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent scholarly credentials (obtained by July 30, 2015) and a record of peer-reviewed work. Emerging scholars as well as senior scholars are encouraged to apply. CHI welcomes co-applications from groups of two or more people working on a single project. The fellowships are also open to projects oriented towards library and information science; for such projects a master’s degree in library/information science qualifies as “equivalent scholarly credentials.”

Screening of applications will begin January 15, 2016, although all applications will be considered until the search is concluded. To apply, upload a letter of application, a CV (please include names/emails of three references), and a writing sample of 25-30pp.  Applicants for Junior Fellowships should also upload a one-page description of an undergraduate course they might teach in their field of expertise. Apply online at  Visit the CHI website at

CAMPUS SECURITY CRIME STATISTICS: For more about safety at Penn State, and to review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters, please go to, which will also provide you with detail on how to request a hard copy of the Annual Security Report.

Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

Offre de bourse – Service pour la science et la technologie de l’Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni

Offre de bourse – Service pour la science et la technologie de l’Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni

Le Service pour la science et la technologie de l’Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni London offre une aide financière et logistique pour une réunion visant à renforcer et/ou élargir une collaboration bilatérale (F-UK) existante. Date limite de candidature : 30 novembre 2015.

Pour plus d’informations, voir: