Séminaire – Histoire de la période paléologue (1261-1453)


Histoire de la période paléologue (1261-1453) :
Byzance, Orient latin, monde slave

Séminaire organisé par Marie-Hélène Blanchet (UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, Monde byzantin)
Collège de France, 52 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris

Vendredi 27 novembre 2015, 14-16h, Cardinal Lemoine salle 1

Olivier Delouis (UMR 8167), sur le colloque d’Athènes 18-20 nov. 2015, « Lire les “Archives de l’Athos” : à propos d’un colloque récent sur les 70 ans de la refondation de la collection par Paul Lemerle » et sur son étude « Un acte de vente inédit de 1321 conservé à Karakala : une étude de cas ».


Offre d’emploi – Associate Lecturer in Byzantine Studies, Macquarie University

Associate Lecturer in Byzantine Studies
Macquarie University

Macquarie is the university of pioneering minds. Globally recognised as one of Australia’s leading research universities, Macquarie is a place where extraordinary new possibilities come to light. We’ve helped people to hear, introduced wireless internet technology to the world and broken through traditional boundaries by appointing Australia’s first female vice-chancellor.

At Macquarie you’ll join a vibrant community of diverse perspectives, all working towards a brighter future for our communities and our planet. Surrounded by a beautiful parkland campus, our students and staff are free to explore and discover, supported by facilities including a high-tech library, private teaching hospital, gym and pools, childcare facilities, a campus train station and the newly expanded Macquarie Centre shopping complex next door.

One of the leading arts and humanities faculties in Australia, Macquarie’s Faculty of Arts is home to bold thinkers and passionate educators who are asking the big questions about the world. United in the spirit of interdisciplinary discovery we explore the human story from its earliest foundations in ancient cultures to its exciting future.  Our research is gaining global recognition and with two research centres, two museums and state-of-the-art media facilities, we empower our staff to transform themselves and the world around them.

The Department of Ancient History in the Faculty of Arts is the largest department in Australasia with teaching and research programs in the areas of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece and Rome, Ancient China, Late Antiquity, Coptic Studies, and Byzantium, focusing on the history, society, languages, religions, and material cultures of these civilizations. Areas of study directly associated with Byzantine Studies include Judaism, Early Christianity, Hellenistic and Roman History, Late Antiquity, Early Medieval History, Archaeology, Latin, Greek, Coptic, Art History, Numismatics, Silk Road Studies, and Heritage Studies. The University’s Ancient Cultures Research Centre is recognised nationally and internationally for its contribution to the study of ancient world history, attracting visiting scholars from overseas and collaborative research projects.

Join us and start seeing the world in a different light.

The Role 

The Department currently has an opportunity for an Associate Lecturer with scholarly expertise in Byzantine Studies. The successful applicant will be expected to make a contribution to research and to teach units in the relevant disciplines within Ancient History at an appropriate level. The applicant will also be expected to contribute to the administration of the Department, Faculty and University.

Selection Criteria

To be considered for this position, you will demonstrate the below requirements in your CV and a 1-2 page cover letter:

·  A relevant Bachelors (honours) degree or Masters research degree in a relevant discipline and a completed or nearly completed PhD.

·  Demonstrated teaching experience and evidence of high quality teaching contributions at an appropriate level, including online teaching.

·  Knowledge at a high level of one or more relevant ancient language.

·  Demonstrated ability to conduct scholarly research and publications of internationally excellent quality appropriate to Byzantine Studies.

·  Good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work as part of a team.

Salary Package: from $66,334 – $89,320 p.a. (Level A), plus 17% employer’s superannuation and annual leave loading.

Appointment Type: full-time, continuing

Specific Role Enquiries:  Dr Ian Plant, Head of Department, Department of Ancient History on ian.plant@mq.edu.au

Applications Close: Sunday, 13 December 2015 at 11.55pm

Macquarie University is an EO Employer committed to diversity and social inclusion. Applications are encouraged from people with a disability; women (particularly for senior and non-traditional roles); Indigenous Australians, people who identify as GLBTI; and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Applications need to be submitted through the Macquarie University online recruitment system. Where circumstances such as disability or remote location prohibit your access to our online system please contact the enquiries person listed in this advertisement for assistance.

Advertised: Aus. Eastern Standard Time
Applications close: Aus. Eastern Standard Time


Offre de bourse – Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’Antiquité classique


Hardt Foundation for the Study of Classical Antiquity

Vandoeuvres, near Geneva, Switzerland

Call for Candidates

Research Scholarships for Young Researchers

The Hardt Foundation for the Study of Classical Antiquity, in pursuit of its ambition to promote the study of the culture and civilization of Greco-Roman antiquity, offers young researchers an opportunity to apply for research scholarships covering stays of two to four weeks.

Areas of research supported are Greek and Latin language and literature, ancient history, ancient philosophy and ancient law. The aim of the research stay is the publication of articles, books or other written contributions.

 Application Deadlines:

·      November 30th for stays requested between early February and the end of June

·      April 30th for stays requested between early September and the end of November



Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’Antiquité classique

Vandoeuvres, près de Genève, Suisse

Appel à candidatures

Bourses de recherche

pour jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs

La Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’Antiquité classique, désireuse d’intensifier le rayonnement de la culture et de la civilisation du monde gréco-romain, offre sur candidature des bourses assurant aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs un financement pour des périodes pouvant aller de deux à quatre semaines.

Les disciplines retenues sont la langue et la littérature grecques et latines, l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie et le droit antiques. L’objectif des recherches est la rédaction d’articles, de livres ou d’autres études.


Dates limites de candidatures :

·      le 30 novembre pour les demandes de séjour entre début février et fin juin

·      le 30 avril pour les demandes de séjour entre début septembre et fin novembre





Offre de bourse doctorale – Nicholas Frangiscatos Scholarship

Nicholas Frangiscatos Scholarship
in Late Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies

 Exeter College, Oxford, seeks to elect a Nicholas Frangiscatos Scholar from among students who wish to conduct doctoral research in the fields of late Byzantine and post-Byzantine studies (1261-1669) at Oxford University in the academic year 2016-2017. For more information and how to apply and by when, see:


Ecole d’été – Swansea Summer School in Ancient Languages

Swansea Summer School in Ancient Languages

Swansea University and the South West Wales Classical Association are pleased to announce the second Summer School in Ancient Languages which will take place 17 – 30 July 2016.


One- and two-week intensive courses are available in Beginners, Post-Beginners, Intermediate, Post-Intermediate, and Advanced Latin and Greek, Beginners and Post-Beginners Hieroglyphs, and Medieval Latin.

There are 3 hours of tuition every weekday (2 on Wednesdays), and extracurricular talks, films, and trips to sites of historical interest in the Wales on Wednesday afternoons in weekends.


We are able to offer part bursaries to participants with low income and students. Discounts are also available for early-bird registration (until end November) and students at all levels of education.


For more information and to register, please go to our website: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/hc/summerschoolinancientlanguages/. If you are unsure of which level of Latin or Greek you should study, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Registration can be done both online and through hard-copy application forms which are also available on our website.

For more information, please contact Dr Evelien Bracke (Summer School Director) off-list at e.bracke@swansea.ac.uk. A report of the 2015 Summer School can be found on our Departmental blog: https://historyclassics.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/the-first-swansea-summer-school-in-ancient-languages/.

For more information about promoting Classics in South Wales, see:

Swansea University History and Classics Outreach: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/hc/informationforschools/
Cymru Wales Classics Hub: www.cymruwalesclassicshub.weebly.com
South West Wales Classical Association: www.swwclassicalassociation.weebly.com