Teaching Fellow in Late Roman History – University of Edinburgh

Teaching Fellow in Late Roman History – University of Edinburgh


The Classics Subject Area seeks to appoint a fixed-term Teaching Fellow in Late Roman History from 1 September 2016, for a period of 12 months. Applications are invited from scholars with research interests and teaching experience in later Roman and late antique history.

The appointment is a full time, fixed-term post.

Salary scale: £31,656 – £37,768 per annum

Closing date: 5pm (GMT) on Friday 29th July 2016.

For more information see http://www.all-acad.com/Job/C1542945/Teaching-Fellow-in-Late-Roman-History/University-of-Edinburgh/Edinburgh-Scotland-United-Kingdom/

Juniorprofessur für Alte Geschichte – Universität Mannheim

An der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Mannheim ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine


Juniorprofessur (W1) für Alte Geschichte


für eine Dauer von zunächst drei Jahren zu besetzen. Nach positiver Evaluation ist eine Verlängerung um weitere drei Jahre möglich.

Ein Schwerpunkt in Forschung und Lehre soll auf der Spätantike und dem Epochenübergang Antike/Mittelalter liegen. Die Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber soll sich nach Maßgabe des dienstrechtlichen Aufgabenkatalogs sowie der mit der Stelle verbundenen fachspezifischen Anforderungen durch die selbständige Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben in Forschung und Lehre in ihrem/seinem jeweiligen Fachgebiet für die Tätigkeit einer Hochschullehrerin/eines Hochschullehrers weiterqualifizieren.

Die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen richten sich nach § 51 Abs. 2 und 3 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG) in der derzeit gültigen Fassung. Neben einem abgeschlossenen Hochschulstudium sowie dem Nachweis einer herausragenden Promotion werden pädagogische Eignung sowie eine durch zusätzliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen belegte Befähigung für die Übernahme der Position einer Juniorprofessur erwartet. Die Einstellung erfolgt bei Erfüllung der allgemeinen dienstrechtlichen Voraussetzungen im Rahmen eines Beamtenverhältnisses auf Zeit zunächst für die Dauer von drei Jahren, welches nach positiver Evaluation auf insgesamt sechs Jahre nach Maßgabe der gesetzlichen Regelung (§ 51 Abs. 7 und 8 LHG) verlängert werden kann.

Die Universität Mannheim misst einer intensiven Betreuung der Studierenden einen hohen Stellenwert bei und erwartet deshalb von den Lehrenden eine ausgeprägte Präsenz an der Universität. Zur Stärkung der universitären Einbindung in das regionale Umfeld wird ferner davon ausgegangen, dass die/der zu Berufende bereit ist, ihren/seinen Lebensmittelpunkt in die Region zu legen. Die Universität Mannheim strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils an Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und ermuntert daher entsprechend qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen sich zu bewerben. Bewerbungen von Schwerbehinderten werden bei entsprechender Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf, beglaubigten Zeugniskopien, Verzeichnis der Publikationen und Lehrveranstaltungen werden mit dem Kennwort „W1 Alte Geschichte“ erbeten bis zum 10. August 2016. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Unterlagen an den Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät, Herrn Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohring, Universität Mannheim, 68131 Mannheim oder als eine pdf-Datei an folgende E-Mail-Adresse: c.brendel@phil.uni-mannheim.de

Bitte beachten Sie bei einer Bewerbung per E-Mail, dass Gefährdungen der Vertraulichkeit und der unbefugte Zugriff Dritter bei einer Kommunikation per unverschlüsselter E-Mail nicht ausgeschlossen werden können.

Post-doc in Eastern Christian Manuscript Cataloguing – The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library invites applications for a two-year, full-time, benefit-eligible position of Post-doctoral Fellow in Eastern Christian Manuscript Cataloging. The Fellow will provide vital support for HMML’s efforts to catalog recently digitized Eastern Christian manuscripts. Under the guidance of the Lead Cataloger of Eastern Christian Manuscripts, the Fellow will undertake original cataloging of digital surrogates at HMML as well as revision of existing cataloging.

Primary responsibilities include:
• Original cataloging of Arabic (including Garshuni), Syriac, and possibly Coptic manuscripts from HMML’s digitization projects in the Middle East, India, and Africa.
• Correction and standardization of existing cataloging.


• Earned doctorate in history, theology, classics, Semitic languages, or cognate field.
• Knowledge of Arabic (including Garshuni) and Syriac, and associated literatures; familiarity with Arabic literature beyond the Christian tradition is desirable. Coptic is not required but would be a desirable asset.
• Direct experience of research using manuscripts, and ideally of description/cataloging of manuscripts.
• Experience with digital research in the humanities; ease with the use of common software and ability to understand and work with HMML’s digital platforms and tools.
• Good communication skills in both written and spoken English. Attention to detail; accuracy and thoroughness in work habits; ability to manage multiple, complex tasks.

For more information or to apply, visit the Saint John’s HR website (link below); scroll down to the Post-doctoral Fellow position.




Doctorat/ post-doc – Université de Bamberg

 Doctorat/ post-doc – Université de Bamberg

Position 1

The ERC Starting Grant Project “ACO” at the University of Bamberg is currently seeking a
Doctoral or Post-doctoral researcher (“linguistic position”)
(E 13 TV-L, 65% for doctoral, 100% for postdoctoral researchers)

The position is intended to be filled as soon as possible (though it can be postponed a few months to suit the schedule of particularly strong candidates) for 3 years (doctoral researchers) or 18 months (postdocs).

Job description:
As part of an ERC-funded project on late antique Conciliar Acts, you will independently study linguistic phenomena present in these texts. Your research will focus on two main questions: first, you will track down traces of orality in these purported verbatim transcripts; second, you will study translation and re-translation processes between Latin and Greek (e.g., the Roman representatives at the Councils spoke in Latin; their statements are preserved in Greek, and these translations seem over-literal; one can witness this effect the other way around, in case Acts are preserved only in Latin; in case of Latin texts, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether we have the original or a re-translation). So far, almost nothing has been done in pursuit of these questions (though do check the introduction to Richard Price’s translation of Constantinople II). To be up to this task, you need an excellent command of both Greek and Latin, an interest in linguistic questions, and real enthusiasm to explore uncharted waters.

This position can be filled either by a doctoral researcher (for three years) or by a postdoc (for 18 months). Doctoral researchers may hand in their research as a Dr. phil. dissertation at the University of Bamberg, though this is not required.

Your profile:
• Excellent master’s or doctoral degree in Linguistics (with a focus on Greek or Latin) or in any field of Classics, such as Greek Philology, Ancient History or Patristics
• Proficiency in Ancient Greek and Latin, good to excellent knowledge of the modern languages generally used in Classics (English, German, French, and Italian)
• Willingness and ability for independently opening up a new field of research
• High level of work discipline

General Information:
The Faculty is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from female candidates. Among candidates otherwise equally qualified, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities.
The University of Bamberg has been certified by the Hertie Foundation as a family-friendly university and is committed to providing measures to help reconcile professional and family life.

Please send your application via e-mail as one combined PDF document to peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de. Use English, German, French, and Italian for authoring your application.
Your application must include:
• a brief cover letter addressing your qualifications, your intended starting date and any other relevant item
• a CV
• graded university transcripts and certificates; in case of the applicants without a doctorate, also include your graduation certificate from secondary school (“Abiturzeugnis” for Germans)
• your commentary on a short passage excerpted from the Acts; please focus on linguistic questions, and do not write more than one page (even half a page should be sufficient); you can download text to comment upon from www.riedlberger.de/linguistic
Your application may include:
• anything that may prove your proficiency in Ancient Greek and Latin, such as additional diplomas, awards, publications etc.
• anything that may prove your excellence in scholarly work, such as publications, reviews of your publications etc.

You do not need to include any letters of recommendation.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de. I have put together some further information which might be of interest to prospective candidates; you can find the document at www.riedlberger.de/inf-applicants

Review of applications will begin on July 15, 2016. The position will remain open until filled.

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Dr. Dr. Peter Riedlberger
ERC StG Project ACO
96047 Bamberg
E-Mail: peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de
Website: www.riedlberger.de

– – – – – – – – – – –

Position 2

The ERC Starting Grant Project “ACO” at the University of Bamberg is currently seeking a
Doctoral or Post-doctoral researcher (“536 position”)
(E 13 TV-L, 65% for doctoral, 100% for postdoctoral researchers)

The position is intended to be filled as soon as possible (though it can be postponed a few months to suit the schedule of particularly strong candidates) for 3 years (doctoral researchers) or 18 months (postdocs).

Job description:
As part of an ERC-funded project on late antique Conciliar Acts, you will independently create the first translation of the Acts of the Synods of Constantinople and Jerusalem (A.D. 536). The Greek original is readily available, even at Archive.org (“Collectio Sabbaitica ACO III”). It will be your task to provide a faithful, annotated translation into either English, German, French, or Italian. Up to now, exceedingly little research has been done on ACO III (to get an impression, start off with Fergus Millar’s article in JRS 98, 2008, pp. 62-82). Accordingly, your work will be cutting-edge research.

This position can be filled either by a doctoral researcher (for three years) or by a postdoc (for 18 months). Doctoral researchers may hand in their research as a Dr. phil. dissertation at the University of Bamberg, though this is not required.

Your profile:
• Excellent master’s or doctoral degree in any field of Classics, such as Greek Philology, Ancient History or Patristics
• Proficiency in Ancient Greek, good to excellent knowledge of the other languages generally used in Classics (Latin, English, German, French, and Italian)
• Willingness and ability for independently opening up a new field of research
• High level of work discipline

General Information:
The Faculty is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from female candidates. Among candidates otherwise equally qualified, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities.
The University of Bamberg has been certified by the Hertie Foundation as a family-friendly university and is committed to providing measures to help reconcile professional and family life.

Please send your application via e-mail as one combined PDF document to peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de. Use English, German, French, and Italian for authoring your application.
Your application must include:
• a brief cover letter addressing your qualifications, your intended starting date and any other relevant item
• a CV
• graded university transcripts and certificates; in the case of applicants without a doctorate, also include your graduation certificate from secondary school (“Abiturzeugnis” for Germans)
• your translation of two short excerpts from ACO III; you can download the texts to be translated from www.riedlberger.de/536
Your application may include:
• anything that may prove your proficiency in Ancient Greek, such as additional diplomas, awards, publications etc.
• anything that may prove your excellence in scholarly work, such as publications, reviews of your publications etc.

You do not need to include any letters of recommendation.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de. I have put together some further information which might be of interest to prospective candidates; you can find the document at www.riedlberger.de/inf-applicants

Review of applications will begin on July 15, 2016. The position will remain open until filled.

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Dr. Dr. Peter Riedlberger
ERC StG Project ACO
96047 Bamberg
E-Mail: peter.riedlberger@uni-bamberg.de
Website: www.riedlberger.de

Offre d’emploi – Assistant Professor, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and History of Art, Koç University

Assistant Professor, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and History of Art

Koç University

The Department of Archaeology and History of Art, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (CLABS) at Koç University invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor (beginning September 2016). Candidates specializing in the field of Late Antique and Byzantine archaeology and history of art may apply for the position.

Located in Istanbul, Turkey, Koç University is a highly reputable English-instruction university (http://www.ku.edu.tr). The Department of Archaeology and History of Art offers undergraduate and graduate courses focusing on the archaeology and history of art of different civilizations, including the Late Antique and Byzantine periods. The successful candidate is expected to teach two courses per semester in related fields and to contribute to the activities of the newly established Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (CLABS) as the Assistant Director (http://gabam.ku.edu.tr).

 Candidates should have a PhD in Archaeology or History of Art, specializing in Late Antique and/or Byzantine archaeology and/or history of art. Applications can be submitted electronically to the e-mail address below by February 1, 2016.

Applications should include:
– Cover letter
– Curriculum vitae
– Summary statement of teaching
– Research statement
– Three letters of reference (the referees should directly e-mail a signed PDF copy of the reference letter to the e-mail address below. The referee should insert the following in the e-mail subject line: “Reference for… ”)

To Ms. Zehra Tosun
E-mail: ztosun@ku.edu.tr.
Subject line of application e-mail: “Position at the Department of Archaeology and History of Art”
Applicants should also complete the candidate information form provided in the link below: https://cssh.ku.edu.tr/applicationcoverform

About Koç University

Koç University was founded in 1993 as a non-profit private university in Istanbul, Turkey. In the twenty years since its establishment, Koç University has become one of the leading universities in Turkey, distinguished by notable contributions to the elevation of education, knowledge and service both domestically and beyond. Instruction is in English.