Prof. dr. Irene van Renswoude, « Erasure: an effective form of censorship? Editing contested content in Late Antique and Early Medieval Manuscripts »

The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network presents a rescheduled second Keynote from its November workshop on ‘Erasure in Late Antiquity’, hosted (virtually) by the Classics Department at Trinity College Dublin :

Prof. dr. Irene van Renswoude

Erasure: an effective form of censorship? Editing contested content in Late Antique and Early Medieval Manuscripts

Thursday, February 25, at 4.00 – 5.30pm GMT

TCD Classics via Zoom

Irene van Renswoude (University of Amsterdam & The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Huygens ING) will be speaking on the late antique editing practices of Rufinus, Jerome and Cassiodorus. She will be exploring these writers’ efforts to ‘clean up’ heretical passages, and the editing of these passages in early medieval manuscripts.


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Speaking From the Margins, DBBE Online Lectures, Spring 2021

« The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams, hosted at Ghent University (, is delighted to announce a series of lectures on the topic of book epigrams. The lectures will take place at 4pm (Central European Time) and will be freely accessible via Zoom.  »

La première conférence aura lieu le 11 février, et elle sera avec Andreas Rhoby.

Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations et pour télécharger le programme. 

‘The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: a philosophical and rhetorical novel of Late Antiquity – a search for truth’

‘The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: a philosophical and rhetorical novel of Late Antiquity – a search for truth’

Ghent (online via Zoom), February Thursday 25 – Friday 26 – Saturday 27, 2021

Organizing Committee: Benjamin De Vos (Ghent University), Danny Praet (Ghent University), Koen De Temmerman (Ghent University)

Keynote speakers: Prof. Meinolf Vielberg (Jena Universität) and Prof. Dominique Côté (Ottawa University)

Anyone wishing to attend should contact (Benjamin De Vos) for links and joining instructions.

Belgium time: GMT +1


February 25 – Thursday

14u30-15u00: Welcome and introduction – Benjamin De Vos (UGent): The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: a philosophical-rhetorical novel in search of truth

Session 1: the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies as a rhetorical and novelistic narrative

15u00-15u20: Philippe Therrien (Université de Lausanne) – « Je vais te donner la connaissance de ce qui est » (Hom. I, 17, 5). La règle des syzygies comme cadre de la quête de la connaissance véritable

15u25-15u45: Tobias Nicklas (Regensburg Universität) – The Homilies as a Counter-Narrative to Acts

15u50-16u10: Sergio Basso (Università Roma Tre/Simon Fraser University, Vancouver) – Hom. 12-14: Homilies, Hermogenes and Humour

16u15-16u35: Bill Adler (North Carolina State University) – “Suffering after the manner of young men”: Symptoms of Love-Sickness in  the Pseudo-Clementines


16u35-17u00: break


17u00-17u45: keynote speaker: Meinolf Vielberg (Universität Jena) – « Zwischen
Alltagswelt und narrativer Realität. Rhetorik im antiken und
christlichen Roman »

17u45-18u30: discussion keynote/general discussion


February 26 – Friday

14u30-14u45: Welcome

14u50-15u35: keynote speaker Dominique Côté (Ottawa University) – Simon Magus in the Pseudo-Clementines: Magician or Philosopher?

15u35-15u50: discussion

15u50-16u15: break

Session 2: the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies as a philosophical work

16u15-16u35: Danny Praet (Ghent University) – The figure of Helen of Troy and the philosophy of truth

16u40-17u00: Judith Hack (Universität Jena) – The Motif of « the Way » in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies

17u05-17u25: Benjamin De Vos (Ghent University) – True Vision, Plato and Ascension in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies


17u25-17u45: break


17u50-18u10: Joseph Verheyden (KULeuven) – The Complex Relationship between Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth. Illustrated from Peter’s Teaching on demonology in Hom. 9

18u15-18u35: Jeffrey Aubin (Ottawa University) – Le mélange du mal dans les Homélies Pseudo-Clémentines: confirmatio ou refutatio de la pensée de Bardesane d’Édesse?

18u35-19u00: General discussion


February 27 – Saturday

14u30-14u45: Welcome

Session 3: the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies and its intellectual, socio-historical context

14u45-15u05: George Géréby (Central European University) – Theology in public debate. The Sitz im Leben of the Peter-Simon contest

15u10-15u30: Patricia Duncan (TCU) – Faustus at the Boundaries of Christian Community

15u35-15u55: Luise Marion Frenkel – Peter’s dialogical victories: religious leadership in the
Pseudo-Clementines and its Syriac reception


15u55-16u25: break


16u25-16u45: Jan Bremmer (Groningen University) – Greek Myth and Religion in the Homilies

16u50-17u10: Giovanni Battista Bazzana (Harvard Divinity School) – Magic in the Klementia: Reflections across Ancient Novels, Magic Papyri, and Theurgy

17u15-17u35: Karin Zetterholm (Lund University) – The Intended Audience of the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies

17u35-18u00: general discussion and concluding remarks – reflections on new/further research perspectives