Le Psautier de Paris (BNF, Grec 139)

Colloque international, 2 et 3 juillet 2021:


Pour télécharger le programme, Cliquer ici 

Inscription obligatoire avant le 30 juin 2021 :http://www.chartes.psl.eu/fr/psautier-paris-bnf-grec-139

Le lien pour la visioconférence sera envoyé la veille du colloque uniquement aux personnes inscrites.

En raison des limitations imposées par la situation sanitaire Covid-19, l’accès à la salle de conférence sera réservé aux seuls intervenantes et intervenants. Lieu : École nationale des chartes, 65 rue de Richelieu, 75002 Paris.

L’organisation de ce colloque a été rendue possible notamment par un financement du Fonds d’intervention pour la recherche de Sorbonne Université. Nous remercions également les autres institutions organisatrices pour leur soutien financier (UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, Istituto Ellenico di Venezia, association THAT) et pour l’accueil dans leurs locaux associé à leur aide logistique (École nationale des chartes, Bibliothèque nationale de France).


Sacred Spaces : Churches and Mosques within the society

Le Centre  « RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies » à  Universität Hamburg vous invite à écouter deux conférenciers invitées :

  • Ann Marie Yasin (University of Southern California) : « Blocked Passageways: An Exploration of Somatic Time in ‘Converted’ Buildings »
  • Stephennie Mulder (The University of Texas Austin) : « The Past as Presence: Christians, Muslims, and the Generation of Sacred Topography in Medieval Syria »

16 juin, 17h00-19h00 sur Zoom. 

Pour le lien Zoom, écrire à : romanislam@uni-hamburg.de . 

Cliquer ici pour plus d’informations et pour les résumés des conférences.

The Oxford Byzantine Graduate Seminar

« The Oxford Byzantine Graduate Seminar, in association with Oxford Medieval Studies
The Oxford Byzantine Graduate Seminar is a new initiative funded by the Oxford Medieval Studies programme of the Oxford Research Institute in the Humanities (TORCH). It is designed to showcase the breadth of graduate research in modern Late Antique and Byzantine Studies and to foster academic collaboration across institutions and sub-disciplines.
The Seminar will take place weekly via Zoom on Mondays at 12.30-14.00. The speaker will present for 40-45 minutes, followed by audience questions and discussion.
To register and for further information, please contact the organiser at james.cogbill@worc.ox.ac.uk. »

Monday 26th April 

Katherine Krauss (Somerville College, Oxford), Rereading the ‘Canon’ in Latin Late Antiquity: Exemplarity and Allusion in Macrobius’ Saturnalia 

Monday 3rd May 

Alessandro Carabia (University of Birmingham), Defining the ‘Byzantine Variable’ in Early Byzantine Italy: The Case of Liguria (500-700 CE) 

Monday 10th May 

Cristina Cocola (Universiteit Gent & Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven), Feeling Repentance in Byzantium: A Study on the Literary Sources of Katanyktic Poetry 

Monday 17th May 

Ben Kybett (Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge), Themistius and the Muses: Religion, Rhetoric, and Classical Statuary in Fourth-Century Constantinople 

Monday 24th May 

Grace Stafford (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz), Between the Living and the Dead: Use, Reuse, and Imitation of Painted Portraits in Late Antiquity 

Monday 31st May 

Josh Hitt (St. Hilda’s College, Oxford), Ageing, Rejuvenation and Patronage in Twelfth-Century Byzantium 

Monday 7th June 

Constanța Burlacu (Merton College, Oxford), Monastic Presence and Book Circulation in the Lands North of the Danube (15th-16th Centuries) 

Monday 14th June 

Kyriakos Fragkoulis (University of Birmingham), (Re)contextualising a Late Antique City through the Ceramic Record: The Case of Dion in Macedonia (Pieria, Greece)

Webinaire 15 mars : Architecure religious byzantine et gérogiènne approches croisées

Voir l’affiche ici 



Lundi 15 mars 2021 à 14 :00



  • Thomas Kaffenberger, Université de Fribourg, « L’architecture religieuse Georgienne (Xe-XIIIe s.) : pouvoir royal et renouveau artistique »


  • Brendan Oswald, Université de Tübingen, « L’architecture du Despotat d’Épire dans la région d’Arta (XIIIe-XVe s.) ».

Appel à candidatures : Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange

Appel à candidatures  : 


A Research Seminar Programme for Early Career Researchers into Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange

The School of Arts at SOAS University of London is pleased to announce the launch of a new research seminar programme for young and early career researchers in the art and archaeology of the medieval eastern Mediterranean, supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories initiative.

Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange is an online seminar programme for emerging academics which focuses on the role played by cities in the medieval eastern Mediterranean, from the 12th to the 14th centuries CE, in the production, consumption, transformation and understanding of works of art and architecture.

During this time cities in the region were places of exchange of raw materials, manufactured goods, artists and craftsmen, and ideas. With exchange came transformation, either intentional through novel creations, or through creative repurposings and misunderstandings. The mixed populations of cities, in this context mainly ports, contributed to transformation as well, but also to the creation of international languages, whether actual, such as the pidgin of lingua franca which arose at this time, or visual, like the technological transformation of artefacts from the pigments used in manuscript illustration to enamelled glass and glazed ceramics. This led to stylistic developments such as international koinai in architecture (commercial, palatial, military), heraldry (to use the western medieval term: the arts of war and sport) and procession.​

This seminar pairs cities, scholars and the site-specific questions that arise from them to explore these and other aspects of artistic and cultural interchange in the medieval eastern Mediterranean region, with a particular focus on new research in lesser-known cities to highlight recent archaeological and other scholarly discoveries.

The project is open to early career academic researchers (who have received their doctorates in the last three years) and tutors, research students (PhD students) at an advanced stage of their studies and those working in historical research institutes (such as archaeology centres, museums, government and non-governmental agencies dealing with history, art or archaeology) who are from the countries of the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East.

The target audience for this seminar programme is young professionals with advanced degrees (or equivalent work experience) in art history and/or archaeology of the period from the 12th to the 14th centuries who are from the countries of the eastern Mediterranean or Middle East.

Participants selected to take part in the programme will receive £2000 (British pounds) each to be used for research purposes: this includes the purchasing of books or other scholarly resources, upgrading of internet access, purchase of headphones, and the like.

The seminar programme will take place online in English and a high level of English language proficiency is required from participants.

Scholars currently residing and working in the Eastern Mediterranean region are especially encouraged to apply.

