« Heresy from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages »

« Heresy from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages »

Saturday 14 March 2015, 11am-5pm
TORCH Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford

The past few decades have seen a burgeoning scholarly interest in heresy in early and medieval Christianity. Research on Christian heresy and its representation (‘heresiology’) has proliferated, in particular, in two periods: late antiquity and the later middle ages. However, despite deriving inspiration from similar trends in modern cultural theory and critical historical analysis, these two fields of scholarship have developed largely in isolation from one another. This workshop seeks to bring together historians working on heresy across the late-antique and medieval periods, to consider how and why heresy (or its representation) might change over time and in different contexts, and to think through the possibilities of common (or indeed divergent) approaches.

To register, or for more information, e-mail Robin Whelan (robin.whelan@history.ox.ac.uk). A sandwich lunch is available; please request it on registration and supply any dietary requirements. Thanks are due to the Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity and the Oxford Medieval Studies Network for their generous support.

11:00 Registration and Welcome

11:15 Session 1: Chair: Antonia Fitzpatrick (St John’s)
Richard Flower (Exeter) ‘The birth of scientific heresiology in late antiquity’
Jill Moore (Birkbeck) ‘Set a thief to catch a thief? Family experience of heresy among thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italian inquisitors’

12:45 Lunch

13:45 Session 2: Chair: Phil Booth (Trinity)
Liz Mincin (St Andrews) ‘Curing the common soul: reexamining the heresiological motif of disease in Middle Byzantium’
Ali Bonner (Jesus) ‘The reception of Pelagius and interactionist theory’

15:15 Coffee

15:45 Session 3: Chair: Robin Whelan (TORCH/Brasenose)
Lucy Sackville (York) ‘The great divide: inquisition texts and the history of heresy’

Plenary Discussion
Conrad Leyser (Worcester) and Kantik Ghosh (Trinity)

Ikarian Centre – Modern Greek Course for Archaeologists and Classicists

 Modern Greek Course for Archaeologists and Classicists
Ikarian Centre
13-29 June 2015; Island of Ikaria, Greece

Full information, including application:
Contact: johanna@ikariancentre.com

Brief Description:
This course is designed for those who wish to learn Modern Greek to enhance their study of/work on Classical Antiquity. Texts and vocabulary will be targeted towards ancient and archaeological themes, as well as to the demands of professional communication in Modern Greek (in the field, at museums, with local authorities, etc.).

Courses are offered at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels (A, B, Γ).

Class sizes are small (no more than 8 students) for maximum speaking time.

The course provides 3.5 full hours (60’ / hour) of instruction daily (52.5h full hours in total: significantly more than a single semester’s worth [13 weeks semester x 4 class/week x 50 minutes/class = 43 hours and 20 minutes!]).

The course emphasizes all critical language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and so is appropriate for students preparing to take Modern Greek reading / translation exams.

Appel à contribution – The Forty-First Annual Byzantine Studies Conference



Deadline for abstracts: Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Forty-first Annual Byzantine Studies Conference (BSC) will be held across multiple institutions in New York City from Thursday evening, October 22, through Sunday afternoon, October 25.

 The conference is the annual forum for the presentation and discussion of papers on every aspect of Byzantine studies, and is open to all, regardless of nationality or academic status. It is also the occasion of the annual meeting of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America (BSANA), conducted by the current BSANA officers:

President: Christina Maranci (Tufts University)
Vice President: Stephen Reinert (Rutgers University)

Secretary: Amy Papalexandrou (Stockton University)
Treasurer: Scott Johnson (Georgetown University and Dumbarton Oaks)
For more information, please see our website:

We welcome proposals on any aspect of Byzantine studies.

Proposals may be submitted either as individual abstracts or bundled as panels. Proposals consist of a cover sheet with your proposed title, proposed panel information (if part of a panel proposal) and your contact information and, on separate pages, two copies of an abstract of no more than 500 words, formatted and submitted according to the detailed instructions below.

Organized panels may also be proposed; see instructions below.
The abstract is the basis for judging the proposed paper for acceptance. All abstracts, including those bundled for proposed panels, will be reviewed by each member of the Program Committee and accepted on their own merits. Please note that this review is anonymous; all personal information is removed before the abstracts are read. The program chair will group individually submitted papers into sessions, with the expectation that many sessions will be interdisciplinary. The session topics in the final program will depend on the subjects represented in the submissions.

 All proposed papers must be substantially original and never have been published or presented previously in a public forum. Each contributor may deliver only one paper. The Program Committee may give preference to those who did not present a paper at the last BSC.

All abstracts will be reviewed by each member of the Program Committee:

George Demacopoulos (Fordham University), Chair
Anthony Kaldellis (Ohio State University)
Bissera Pentcheva (Stanford University)
Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen (Pacific Lutheran University)
Christina Maranci (Tufts University)

If accepted, the abstract will be published in the Byzantine Studies Conference’s annual

Abstracts of Papers. Submission of the accepted abstract for publication constitutes agreement to present the paper at the conference.

To deliver your paper at the BSC, you must be a member of BSANA in good standing.  To join or renew your membership in BSANA, you can pay your dues
at: http://www.bsana.net/membership_payment.html

Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent by email by May 15th.


 The Abstract

The abstract should be no more than 500 words in length and should indicate the paper’s original contribution in sufficient detail and with some indication of the contributor’s conclusions so that the Program Committee can assess its merits. Papers will be limited to 20 minutes in length. Follow the Instructions for Preparation of the Abstract to facilitate its publication in the Abstracts of Papers. BSANA has no staff, and failure to prepare your abstract carefully will make it impossible to publish.

The Cover Sheet

On a separate cover sheet include:
• name
• address
•your preferred academic affiliation (or the designation “Independent Scholar” with city and state of residence); graduate status, if applicable
• phone and fax numbers
• e-mail address that will be active on May 15
• the paper’s title
indication of proposed panel or preferred session (if any)
• indication of any projection or other special facilities needed• statement of whether you would prefer to be notified of acceptance or rejection by post rather than by e-mail

Graduate students must indicate their status on this sheet in order to be eligible for the
Graduate Prize Competition and/or travel subsidy (see below).

Method of Submission

Please submit your proposals by e-mail as described below. The deadline for submission in all cases is 1 April, 2015.


The three-part proposal (cover sheet plus 2 copies of abstract) must be submitted as a single e-mail attachment in the form of a MICROSOFT WORD document, with the abstract formatted according to the Instructions for Preparation of the Abstract.

The e-mail should be sent to the BSANA Vice President: Stephen Reinert (bscabstractsubmission@gmail.com)

Greek Fonts

To avoid any problems arising from the use of different Greek fonts, if either the title or the body of your abstract includes Greek, we ask that you submit, in addition to the word document, a second copy of your submission in pdf format.

Alphabets other than Greek should be transliterated.

The submission of a proposal and its acceptance represent a commitment from the contributor to read the paper in person at the BSC. Those who cannot attend must withdraw their papers no later than June 1. Failure to do so may adversely affect your future chances to present papers at the BSC.

For further inquires contact the Program Chair: George Demacopoulos (demacopoulos@fordham.edu)

Local Arrangements. Questions concerning local arrangements may be directed to the chair of the Local Arrangements Committee: Jennifer Ball (Jennball@mac.com)

Instructions for Preparing the Abstract


• Maximum word count: 500 words.
Margins: one inch at the top and bottom, 0.75 inches at each side.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point. Line Spacing: Single spaced.

Title and Author
• Title Line(s): Boldface. Centered at the top of the page. Titles may not be longer than two lines.
Capitalize only first letters of words.
Do not put your title in quotation marks; do not underline it.
• Skip one line (i.e., double space) below the title (= above the author line).
• Author Line content: Your name, followed on the same line (in parentheses) by your institution or (for independent scholars) your city.

To avoid ambiguity, you may list city and country.
Please do not give titles or letters representing degrees, orders, etc. Please list only a single, primary institutional affiliation in parentheses.

• Author Line Style & Format: Plain text (not boldface); a single line centered below the blank line following the title line.
• Skip one line (i.e., double space) before the first line of the body of the abstract.

Style Considerations

• If your paper is a study based on a particular manuscript, consider citing the MS in your
abstract title as a help to scholars when they search our abstracts for previous studies of MSS.
• Please follow the Bulletin Codicologique convention for proper citation of manuscripts (in abstract titles or in the body of your abstract).

Abstract Text

• Abstract Text: Flush left (no right-hand margin justification).
Indent first lines of each paragraph five spaces. Leave one empty line between paragraphs.
• No footnotes. If you need to include a citation, put it within your text in parentheses.
• Please do NOT use the future tense (“This paper will investigate…”).
• Your abstract may be edited for grammar and stylistic consistency (e.g., to remove the future tense).
• Italicize titles and words in foreign languages. Quotations and titles in foreign alphabets other than Greek should be transliterated.
• Avoid using tables or diagrams in the abstract. Photographs cannot be reproduced.

 Sending the Abstract

• Your submission should include three items in one Microsoft Word file:
1) A cover sheet with the information requested in the Call for Papers;
2) The abstract formatted as described above;
3) A second copy of the abstract with no Author Line to ensure the anonymous judging of abstracts.

• Submit all three items in a single e-mail attachment with page breaks inserted between items.

E-mail this document to the BSANA Vice President, Stephen Reinert (bscabstractsubmission@gmail.com) on or before 1 April 2015.

Instructions for Panel Proposals

The BSC welcomes proposals for whole panels.
The panel organizer, who may also be a speaker in the panel, prepares the group submission in a single word document to be sent by email. Panel submissions have four parts: (1) the panel title and panel summary (see further below); (2) all abstracts, including speakers’ names; (3) the panel title and panel summary, making sure to omit all mention of the speakers’ names; and (4) all abstracts, with speakers’ names omitted (the anonymous abstracts).

The panel summary will include a summary of the overall topic, the format for the panel (such as a debate, papers followed by a discussion, or a traditional session of papers), and the reasons for covering this topic as a prearranged, whole session. This should be no longer than 300 words. The organizer may also propose a session chair; please note that the session chair cannot also be a speaker in the panel.

The Program Committee shall first decide whether to accept or reject each panel proposal in its entirety based on its summary and contents. Then each paper will be evaluated according to the regular anonymous evaluation procedure established by the BSC. In the event that most but not all the papers in the panel are accepted, the Program Committee will alert the organizer and will make every effort to keep the remaining papers together.

If a panel proposal is rejected, the various component abstracts will be placed in the regular pool of paper proposals, to be accepted or rejected as stand-alone presentations (unless otherwise indicated by the authors of these abstracts).  All participants in the panel (organizer as well as speakers) will be notified of the

Program Committee’s decision in the usual way.

***To deliver your paper at the BSC, you must be a member in good standing. To join or renew your membership in BSANA, you can pay your dues at: http://www.bsana.net/membership_payment.htm

Intensive Graduate Summer Seminar by Koç University GSSSH & RCAC « Istanbul Through the Ages »

Istanbul Through the Ages
Intensive Graduate Summer Seminar by Koç University GSSSH & RCAC

Understanding Istanbul from pre-history to present…

DATE:  29 JUNE – 21 JULY 2015

Being the center of magnificent empires through time, İstanbul is calling you to discover its rich cultural heritage by following the footmarks of saints, sultans and angels in this enriching summer seminar.  Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations is excited to invite you to have a taste of İstanbul with its intellectual, in-depth program developed by world renowned Ottoman and Byzantine academicians. This exclusive program is designed for graduate students interested in:

  • An intensive program organized chronologically, carrying participants from pre-historic times to present
  • An opportunity to deepen their understanding of İstanbul and add this unique value to their academic focus
  • Gain exposure of lecturers with outstanding expertise and perspectives
  • Collaborate with a cohort of equals, bonded by a mutual interest in historical mysteries and myths of İstanbul through time
  • Have access to the extensive resources available at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations and Koç University as a whole
  • Attend field trips offering students invitations to opportunities otherwise unavailable to general public

…all the while spending your summer in an exotic city bursting with energy, history, spontaneity and endless roads to travel and discover.  With over 12 million inhabitants representing a true melting pot of cultures and faiths, İstanbul-supplemented by the continents of this unique summer program-gives you the chance to enrich your academic pursuits while concurrently enriching your mind and soul.

In order to maintain an intimate setting and provide maximum exposure opportunities, the program has a limited capacity of 15 students. Accommodation will be provided by the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, located at the heart of İstanbul, Beyoğlu.

This program is only open to graduate level students.

All instructions will be in English.

Philippe Blaudeau – Introduction à la géo-ecclésiologie : le cas de figure présenté par la crise chalcédonienne (451-553)

Séminaire de Giusto Traina
Géopolitique et géographie religieuse dans l’Orient méditerranéen

Laboratoire d’excellence « Religions et Sociétés dans le Monde Méditerranéen » (RESMED)

Université Paris Sorbonne, UFR d’Histoire, Séminaire doctoral et Master de recherche en Histoire, École doctorale 1 (Mondes anciens et médiévaux)

 Jeudi 5 mars 2015

Philippe Blaudeau (Université d’Angers/Institut Universitaire de France) :
Introduction à la géo-ecclésiologie : le cas de figure présenté par la crise chalcédonienne (451-553)

Du Concile de Chalcédoine au concile de Constantinople II (451-553) les nombreux changements décidés par l’autorité impériale montrent l’incertitude du conflit autour des définitions christologiques qui oppose les trois grandes puissances ecclésiastiques, le Siège apostolique de Rome, le siège de Constantinople et son concurrent monophysite d’Alexandrie, pour ne rien dire d’Antioche. Souvent traitée selon une approche restrictive ou anachronique, cette lutte est globale et peut être étudiée sous l’angle géo-ecclésiologique : en effet, ce sont plusieurs conceptions alternatives du dogme, de l’organisation et du contrôle de l’Église qui s’affrontent à grande échelle. Chaque protagoniste tente de faire triompher ses principes spécifiques de gouvernement qui sont fondés sur une compréhension particulière de la tradition et des canons, pour définir un espace significatif d’influence et y affirmer sa présence pour légitimer ses revendications. Afin d’assurer la réalisation de ce projet, le soutien de l’empereur et l’adhésion de l’opinion publique doivent être conquis. Cela implique de développer les médiations symboliques et d’organiser des campagnes de persuasion particulièrement ambitieuses mais comporte aussi le risque de voir les cibles, l’empereur en premier lieu, se muer en acteurs, autonomes et majeurs, de la controverse.

Maison de la Recherche, Salle D323
28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris – 18h-20h