Offre d’emploi – Assistant Professor, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and History of Art, Koç University

Assistant Professor, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and History of Art

Koç University

The Department of Archaeology and History of Art, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (CLABS) at Koç University invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor (beginning September 2016). Candidates specializing in the field of Late Antique and Byzantine archaeology and history of art may apply for the position.

Located in Istanbul, Turkey, Koç University is a highly reputable English-instruction university ( The Department of Archaeology and History of Art offers undergraduate and graduate courses focusing on the archaeology and history of art of different civilizations, including the Late Antique and Byzantine periods. The successful candidate is expected to teach two courses per semester in related fields and to contribute to the activities of the newly established Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (CLABS) as the Assistant Director (

 Candidates should have a PhD in Archaeology or History of Art, specializing in Late Antique and/or Byzantine archaeology and/or history of art. Applications can be submitted electronically to the e-mail address below by February 1, 2016.

Applications should include:
– Cover letter
– Curriculum vitae
– Summary statement of teaching
– Research statement
– Three letters of reference (the referees should directly e-mail a signed PDF copy of the reference letter to the e-mail address below. The referee should insert the following in the e-mail subject line: “Reference for… ”)

To Ms. Zehra Tosun
Subject line of application e-mail: “Position at the Department of Archaeology and History of Art”
Applicants should also complete the candidate information form provided in the link below:

About Koç University

Koç University was founded in 1993 as a non-profit private university in Istanbul, Turkey. In the twenty years since its establishment, Koç University has become one of the leading universities in Turkey, distinguished by notable contributions to the elevation of education, knowledge and service both domestically and beyond. Instruction is in English.

Offre de bourses – The Bodleian Libraries

Visiting Fellowships – The Bodleian Libraries
for academic year 2016-17

Fellowships support periods of research in the Special Collections of the Bodleian Libraries. Fellows are hosted in the Visiting Scholars’ Centre at the Weston Library, where they join a lively research environment.

Details of the fellowship terms and application process can be found on our Fellowships webpage:

For six of the named fellowships, the deadline for applications is Monday, 14 December 2015:
Humfrey Wanley Fellowships
Sassoon Visiting Fellowships
Bahari Visiting Fellowships in the Persian Arts of the Book
Byrne-Bussey Marconi Fellowships in the History of Science & Communications
David Walker Memorial Fellowships in Early Modern History
Albi Rosenthal Visiting Fellowships in Music

A new fellowship is now announced, with the deadline of Friday, 29 January 2016: The Carr-Thomas-Ovenden Visiting Fellowship in English Literature

A list of current visiting fellows in academic year 2015-16 can be found here.

For further information, please e-mail Dr Michelle Chew at:

Offre de bourses doctorales et post-doctorales en Roumanie pour les francophones

Bourses doctorales et post-doctorales en Roumanie pour les francophones


Opportunité de bourses doctorales et postdoctorales en Roumanie pour les doctorants et chercheurs francophones, à travers le programme de bourses « Eugen Ionescu ».
L’appel à candidatures est disponible en ligne à l’adresse :

Terme limite de dépôt de la candidature en ligne : 17 janvier 2016
Durée : 3 mois
Période des stages : 1er avril-31 juillet 2016
Prise en charge : bourse mensuelle (800 € doc / 1000 € postdoc) + prime d’installation (300 €) + transport + assurance

Témoignages des anciens boursiers :

Ecole d’été – Dumbarton Oaks’ Byzantine Greek Summer School 2016

 Dumbarton Oaks

2016 Byzantine Greek Summer School
July 5 to July 29, 2016

Dumbarton Oaks will again offer an intensive four-week course in medieval Greek and paleography in the early summer of 2016. Approximately ten places will be available, with priority going to students without ready access to similar courses at local or regional institutions.

Course Offerings

The principal course will be a daily 1 ½ hour session devoted to the translation of sample Byzantine texts. Each week texts will be selected from a different genre, e.g., historiography, hagiography, poetry, and epistolography. Two afternoons a week hour-long sessions on paleography will be held. In addition each student will receive a minimum of one hour per week of individual tutorial. Thus approximately eleven hours per week will be devoted to formal classroom instruction. In the remaining hours of the week students will prepare their assignments.

Students will also have the opportunity to study inscribed objects in the Byzantine Collection, and view facsimiles of manuscripts in the Dumbarton Oaks Rare Books Collection, as well as original manuscripts in the Byzantine Collection. Any extra time may be used for personal research in the Dumbarton Oaks library, but support for the summer school is intended first and foremost for study of Byzantine Greek language and texts.


Alexander Alexakis, University of Ioannina
Stratis Papaioannou, Brown University

Accommodation and Costs

No tuition fees will be charged. Successful candidates from outside the Washington area will be provided with housing at no cost and lunch on weekdays. Local area students will not be offered accommodation, but will receive free lunch on weekdays. Students are expected to cover their own transportation expenses.

Requirements for Admission

Applicants must be graduate students in a field of Byzantine studies (or advanced undergraduates with a strong background in Greek). Two years of college-level ancient Greek (or the equivalent) are a prerequisite; a diagnostic test will be administered to finalist applicants before successful candidates are selected.

Application Procedure

Applicants should send a letter by February 1, 2016, to Dr. Michael Maas, Director of Byzantine Studies, describing their academic background, career goals, previous study of Greek, and reasons for wishing to attend the summer school. The application should also include a curriculum vitae and a transcript of the graduate school or undergraduate record. Two letters of recommendation should be sent separately, one from the student’s adviser, and one from an instructor in Greek, assessing the candidate’s present level of competence in ancient or medieval Greek. Principles of selection will include three considerations: previous meritorious achievement, need for intensive study of Byzantine Greek, and future direction of research. Awards will be announced in late February 2016, and must be accepted by March 15.

Please send all required materials to:

Dumbarton Oaks
Byzantine Studies Program
1703 32nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007

Tel.: 202-339-6940 FAX: 202-298-8409, Email:

Cycle de conférences – Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental

Cycle de conférences, février-juin 20161

Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental

Les jeudis 18 février, 24 mars, 19 mai et 16 juin 2016
INHA, salle Vasari et salle Jullian
2, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris

En quatre demi-journées, des spécialistes de l’Orient byzantin et de l’Occident latin dialogueront autour de thématiques qui prolongeront la réflexion menée lors de la journée d’étude introductive du 25 septembre 2015. Ce cycle s’inscrit dans le programme de recherche IMAGO-EIKΩN. Regards croisés sur l’image médiévale entre Orient et Occident (Labex RESMED et HiCSA), dans une action collaborative avec le domaine médiéval de l’INHA, porté par Isabelle Marchesin.


Première rencontre : jeudi 18 février 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème :
L’image dans l’espace sacré : enjeux historiographiques et perspectives

Introduction du cycle : Sulamith Brodbeck et Anne-Orange Poilpré (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

Sharon Gerstel (University of California, Los Angeles) : Images in Churches in Late Byzantium: Reflections and Directions

Jean-Pierre Caillet (université Paris Ouest) : L’image dans l’édifice en Occident médiéval : le potentiel des ouvertures après un siècle de réflexions

Répondant : Ioanna Rapti (EPHE)


Deuxième rencontre : jeudi 24 mars 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème :
Lumière et éclairage de l’espace cultuel : perception et réception des images

Lioba Theis (Universität Wien) : The Orchestration of Enlightenment: Light in Sacred Space

Nicolas Reveyron (université Lumière Lyon II) : Image et lumière : performance et polychronie

Répondant : Andréas Nicolaïdès (université Aix-Marseille)


Troisième rencontre : jeudi 19 mai 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème : Images monumentales et jeux d’échelle : les dynamiques spatiales du lieu de culte

Isabelle Marchesin (INHA) : La mise en réseau des hommes et des artefacts dans l’église Saint-Michel d’Hildesheim

Annemarie Weyl Carr (Southern Methodist University, Dallas) : Across a Crowded Room: Paths of Perception in Cyprus’ Painted Churches

Répondant : Daniel Russo (université de Bourgogne)

Quatrième rencontre : jeudi 16 juin 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Jullian
Thème : Visibilité et lisibilité du dialogue entre images et inscriptions dans l’espace cultuel

Vincent Debiais (CNRS – CESCM Poitiers) : Absence/silence des inscriptions en contexte liturgique : quelques exemples hispaniques

Catherine Jolivet-Lévy (EPHE) : Inscriptions et images dans quelques églises byzantines de Cappadoce : visibilité/lisibilité, interactions et fonctions

Répondant : François Bougard (IRHT)

Conclusion du cycle : Sulamith Brodbeck et Anne-Orange Poilpré (université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

Chaque rencontre sera suivie d’un cocktail servi en salle Warburg à 17h30

Responsables scientifiques

Sulamith Brodbeck :,
Anne-Orange Poilpré :
