Oxford University Byzantine Society’s 18th International Graduate Conference
Trends and Turning-Points: Constructing the Late Antique and Byzantine World (c. 300 – c. 1500)
26th – 27th February 2015 (Ertegun House, Oxford)
Programme ici.
26th – 27th February 2015 (Ertegun House, Oxford)
Programme ici.
Le labex RESMED (Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen) lance un appel à candidatures pour cinq contrats post-doctoraux d’un an à partir du 1er juillet 2016 (Date limite des candidatures : 15 mars 2016).
Cinq contrats post-doctoraux seront financés parmi les 10 profils proposés : http://www.labex-resmed.fr/ouverture-de-5-contrats
Le dossier doit être envoyé au format pdf avant le 15 mars 2016 à minuit à la Directrice (beatrice.caseau@college-de-france) et aux Secrétaires généraux (julie.masquelier-loorius@labex-resmed.fr et stavros.lazaris@labex-resmed.fr) du Labex RESMED. L’admission sera décidée sur dossier à la fin du mois de mai 2016.
Le projet de chaque candidat devra clairement s’inscrire dans le programme scientifique du Labex RESMED (http://www.labex-resmed.fr
Le candidat aura soutenu son doctorat en France ou à l’étranger depuis moins de 5 ans au sein d’une université différente des institutions fondatrices du Labex RESMED (Paris-Sorbonne, Panthéon-Sorbonne, École pratique des hautes études) ou depuis moins de 10 ans s’il/elle peut justifier d’une expérience de recherche dans une autre institution universitaire.
Call for Papers
“Regional and Transregional Elites – Connecting the Early Islamic Empire” Conference
October 7-8, 2016
The ERC project “The Early Islamic Empire at Work – The View from the Regions Toward the Center” investigates how the vast Islamic empire, stretching from the Hindukush to the Atlantic and more diverse in terms of religion, language, and (if this is a valid concept at all) ethnicity than the Late Roman or Chinese Empire, was governed. It focuses specifically on the question of how its various regions were controlled and integrated into one of the most prosperous empires of the (late) antique world.
To integrate the regions of the early Islamic empire politically, to create an imperial idea and an imperial culture, elites of various backgrounds were essential. To fulfill their role, they had to commute and to communicate. The conference seeks to examine the roles that regional and transregional elites played in governing the vast early Islamic Empire (7th-10th century CE), with a particular emphasis on aspects of (social, institutional, spatial) mobility. The regional elites and their participation in governance and administration are essential for understanding the intricate workings of the early Islamic Empire. Similarly, the study of transregional elites, who projected imperial power but sought also to negotiate regional interests at the caliphal court, promises key insights into how the caliphal administration controlled and integrated diverse regions and populations whilst securing the interests of the empire at large.
The composition of the imperial elite, mostly expressing themselves in Arabic, changed over time, exhibiting both spatial and social mobility. While the conquering elite had a tribal background going back to the Arab Peninsula, this changed with manumitted slaves and the rise of the Persian-speaking elite under the ʿAbbāsids, as well as the substitution of the Arab and Persian military forces with Central Asian Sogdian and Turkish commanders and military. Nevertheless, moving elites were created not only by the military and the religious establishment, but also by investing landowners and networks of long-distance merchants. These various different elite segments created a shared taste in Arabic literature (adab), science and material culture.
The conference seeks to address a number of core issues about regional and transregional elites: who were the various elites in a region? How did these regional elites interact with the empire, and did they change in the course of interaction? What mechanisms and strategies did they develop? How and through which agents did they influence imperial decisions? How were transregional elites influenced by their interaction with regional elites, eventually becoming entrenched in the regions? How did they balance their relationships with regional elites, on the one hand, and central caliphal authorities on the other? How important was conversion to Islam for elite access? Where and how were transregional elites recruited? Was the shift from one imperial elite (Arab, Khurāsānian, Central Asian, and others) to another a sign of failure, or were some elites better at reproducing themselves? Which existing networks and emerging institutions helped elites to connect the empire and its diverse regions (tribal affiliations, family policies, mawālī, strategic appointments)?
The conference will be organized around three key themes:
Definitions of elites, their origins, and their evolving identities
Recruitment, function, networks, and reproduction of imperial elites (Arabs, Khurāsānians, Central Asians, non-Muslim elites, and others)
The interactions of converted regional elites and non-Muslim elites with the empire in
The conference will follow a workshop format, with a focus on discussion. Individual slots will be 45 minutes, leaving 20 minutes for presentation and 25 minutes for discussion. Abstracts of 500 words should be sent to katharina.mewes@uni-hamburg.de before February 15, 2016; you will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted before April 1, 2016. Full papers should be sent by July 15, 2016, for pre-circulation among the participants. A financial contribution to travel and accommodation costs might be possible, but cannot be guaranteed at this point.
Le colloque international Medieval Europe in Motion 3 poursuit la série de rencontres scientifiques inaugurée en 2013 par l’Institut d’Études Médiévales (IEM) de l’Université Nouvelle de Lisbonne sur la thématique des mobilités artistiques et culturelles en Europe au Moyen Âge. L’objectif principal de ce nouveau colloque, en continuité thématique avec les deux éditions précédentes, est d’analyser les phénomènes de circulation et de mobilité des élites lettrées (clercs, universitaires, praticiens), des enlumineurs, des manuscrits, des textes, des modèles artistiques et des idées liés à la pratique du droit dans le territoire européen avec une attention particulière pour les contrées méridionales (péninsule Ibérique, France du Midi et Italie). La recherche qui soutien l’idée de ce colloque derive du projet de post-doctorat de Maria Alessandra Bilotta, qui vise à mettre en évidence les liens artistiques et culturels entre le Portugal et le reste de l’Europe, avec un accent particulier sur les manuscrits juridiques des régions du sud (de la péninsule ibérique, sud de la France et de la péninsule italienne).
Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH-UNL) – Coordinatrice
Francisco José Díaz Marcilla (IEM-FCSH-UNL) – Organisateur
Mario Farelo (IEM-FCSH-UNL) – Organisateur
Anabel Moreno (Universidad de Girona – TEMPLA)
La clôture des inscriptions se fera le mardi 15 mars 2016.
Vous pouvez également consulter le site internet pour obtenir des informations supplémentaires : http://festivaldelhistoiredelart.com/festival/edition-2016-rire-espagne/participez-au-festival/appel-a-participation-rencontres-internationales-detudiants-avances-en-histoire-de-lart/.