Contrat doctoral – Ecole française d’Athènes

Contrat doctoral – Ecole française d’Athènes


Appel à candidatures de l’Ecole française d’Athènes pour un contrat doctoral d’une durée des trois ans à partir de l’année 2016-2017 dans le cadre du dispositif spécifique du MENESR. 

La date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature est fixée au 3 mai 2016 (12h00). Les documents devront être envoyés sous format électronique (PDF unique) à l’adresse :

Plus de précisions ici.

Bourses doctorales – Universités de Bonn et de Cologne

Call for Applicants (PhD): 11 doctoral posts

Application guidelines
At the DFG Research Training Group 1878 of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne on the topic of ‘Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies’, eleven doctoral posts are to be filled with effect from October 1st, 2016. The salary/fellowship will be according to the German salary classification group TV-L 13 (50%), for detailed information: salary calculator
The posts are limited to a 2-year period, with the option to continue for max. one year following a positive interim evaluation.

Objectives, issues
The aim of the RTG is to record economic systems and economic areas of premodern societies in terms of their structure, efficiency and dynamics (genesis, transformation processes through to a potential dissolution) as well as to analyse them in interaction with their respective physical geographical, political, societal, religious and cultural conditions. The investigations will be focussed along three lines of research, ‘Economic Networks’, ‘Settlement Centres and Their Environs’ and ‘Religious Institutions as Economic Units’.

These subjects are involved: Ancient American Studies, Ancient History, Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Byzantine Studies, Christian Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Egyptology, Ethnology, Historic Geography, Islamic Archaeology, Pre- and Early History

Dissertation topics
Enquirers can develop their own project proposals within the framework of the outlined research programme.

The RTG language is German. Language lessons can be taken free of charge if required. The dissertation may also be written in another language.

Location and supervison
The doctoral candidate (m/f) will be employed at either of the two universities and registered as a doctoral student. Generally he/she will be looked after by two fellow applicants. In Cologne the doctorate is awarded within the framework of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities. The respective location will be jointly discussed and decided. Willingness to move to the Cologne/Bonn region is expected.

Study programme
The doctoral programme will be conducted within a structured study programme comprising weekly seminars, workshops or international meetings; participation is mandatory.

Support measures
In addition to the posts, resources for material and travel costs as well as for holding conferences are available. Both universities offer comprehensive further training measures. Doctoral candidates with children can obtain additional support.

Application requirements
Completed relevant university studies in line with the requirements for admission to doctoral studies at the participating universities.

Application documents
– Completed application form (s. below)
– CV (résumé)
– Copies of university diplomas and job references (if applicable)
– Digital version (PDF) plus summary (2 pages) of the Magister/Master thesis
– Outline of ideas (max. 5 pages) on the planned dissertation project
– Names and addresses of two university teachers who will be able, if necessary, to provide further information about the applicant

Application procedure
Applications in German or English should be sent in electronic form by 01.10.2016 to the RTG spokespeople, Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz and Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann at the following e-mail address: (subject: Bewerbung GRK 1878).

– Closing date for applications: May 31st, 2016
– Applicant interviews: anticipated July 7./8./9., 2016
– Notification of decision: beginning of August 2016
– Commencement of employment: October 1st, 2016

Applications from severely handicapped people are welcome. Severely handicapped people will be preferred where suitability is equal. Applications from women are explicitly welcome. Preferential consideration will be given to women where suitability, aptitude and expertise are equal, provided that no grounds predominate in the person of a co-applicant.


If you have any further questions please contact the two RTG spokespeople via e-mail.



Université d’été en langues de l’Orient – Venise

Université d’été en langues de l’Orient

Du 4 au 13 août 2016 à Venise

Organisée par Georges Bohas (ENS Lyon), Laurent Colonna d’Istria (Liège), Eric Crégheur (Laval) et David Hamidovic (UNIL).
Initiation, perfectionnement en langues * : akkadien, arabe, arménien classique, chinois, copte, grec classique, hébreu classique, latin, persan, sumérien, syriaque oriental, turc.
Formation donnant 6 ECTS après validation.
Programme ici.
Contact, inscriptions et demande de renseignements :
TÉL: + 41 21 692 20 46
FAX: + 41 21 692 20 05

Contrats doctoraux – Johannes Gutenberg University, Mayence

Call for Applications
6 doctoral positions Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

The interdisciplinary Research Training Group 1876 “Early Concepts of Man and Nature: Universal, Local, Borrowed” established by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz invites applications for 6 doctoral positions (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, 13 TV-L 65%) starting on October 1st, 2016. Initial appointment will be for two years. Subject to continued funding by the German Research Foundation, a further appointment for one more year will be made.

The Research Training Group is directed by scholars from the fields of Egyptology, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Near Eastern Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Classics, Byzantine Studies, Medieval German Studies, and Medical History.

In the Research Training Group’s research programme, the object is to record concepts of man and nature in the Near Eastern, Northeast African and European area in the period from ca. 3200 BC until the Middle Ages – starting out from textual, pictorial and material sources – by means of examples and to study them in a culturally immanent as well as transcultural respect. In order to align the spectrum of potential fields of topics in a targeted manner four main focal points of research have been defined:

(1) The origin of the World and the primordial elements;
(2) Natural phenomena, the forces of nature, and natural catastrophes;
(3) Flora, fauna, and landscape;
(4) The conceptualization of the human body, of disease and healing.

Topics for PhD theses must be chosen from one of these four areas and belong to one of the academic the disciplines mentioned above.

We are looking for:

(c)     PhD projects that will connect with and complement dissertation projects within the Research Training Group and
(d)     individual dissertation projects for one of the four areas.

For detailed information regarding our programme for research and training and the academic staff involved with our graduate school, please refer to our homepage (

 Requirements for appointment:
–          a diploma or master’s degree (or equivalent) with excellent results in one of the disciplines mentioned above and fulfill the necessary requirements for studying for a doctoral degree in either Fachbereich (Faculty) 05 or 07 of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

We provide:
–          a PhD programme with clearly defined steps and instruction
–          ample opportunities for intensive professional and interdisciplinary exchange
–          close supervision by two professors of different academic disciplines of the Research Training Group’s core faculty
–          a mentoring programme with cooperating partners in Germany and abroad
–          traineeships within cooperating institutes
–          additional funding for staying for up to four weeks abroad at a research institute cooperating with our programme as well as for attending conferences inside and outside Germany
–          classes helping you to acquire key qualifications (e.g. time-management or academic writing courses)
–          a modern and pleasant working environment
–          optional six months’ funding for a new research project once you have completed your PhD

We expect:
–          prepare a doctoral thesis within our research programme
–          scientific training within a structured dissertation programme
–          continuous participation in the study programme
–          cooperate with other PhD students and scholars from neighbouring fields and discipline
–          presence at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
–          after the three year funding period: doctorate at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

The following documents must be provided:
–          application form (available on thewebsitefor download)
–          a letter of motivation
–          a curriculum vitae
–          a complete transcript of academic records, including the last school report obtained before entering university (Abitur or equivalent)
–          a résumé of the graduate thesis you submitted (3 pages)
–          your graduate thesis in a pdffile
–          an exposé for a PhD thesis in one of the areas of the Research Training Group, summarizing the idea, outlining research questions and state of the art, approach and methods to be used, work and time schedule (4 pages)
–          two letters of reference from members of academic staff allowing us to judge your abilities (to be sent before the closing date directly to the spokesperson)
–          if available: a list of attended conferences and publications

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is keen to increase the number of women among its scholars and thus encourages women to apply. Disabled persons will be given preference if equally qualified. Further details regarding the application process and the selection of candidates are given on the homepage of our graduate school. You may also contact a member of the Research Training Group’s staff in your discipline if you have a specific question. For organizational questions you may contact the coordination office.

Please submit your complete application in electronic form (pdf) only no later than May 1st, 2016 to the Research Training Group spokesperson Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening (