Bourses – Dumbarton Oaks

Opportunities for Scholars at Dumbarton Oaks


Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an institute in Washington, D.C., administered by the Trustees for Harvard University. It supports research and learning internationally in Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian studies through fellowships, internships, meetings, and exhibitions.


Fellowships are awarded to Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian scholars on the basis of demonstrated scholarly ability and preparation of the candidate, including knowledge of the requisite languages, interest and value of the study or project, and the project’s relevance to the resources of Dumbarton Oaks. We place great value on the collegial engagement of fellows with one another and with the staff.

Application and instructions are available online. The application deadline is November 1.

Fellowships are awarded to scholars who hold a PhD or appropriate final degree, or who have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.

Junior Fellowships are awarded to degree candidates who at the time of application have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD or appropriate final degree, and plan to work on a dissertation or final project while at Dumbarton Oaks, under the direction of a faculty member from their own university.

Summer Fellowships are awarded to scholars at any level beyond the first year of graduate (post-baccalaureate) study.

Mellon Fellowships, an initiative in urban landscape studies, are offered by the Garden and Landscape Studies program, and are intended for scholars and designers to pursue research on the history and current conditions of urban landscapes. Mellon Fellowships are governed by unique terms, and applications are due February 1. You may learn more about this opportunity on our website.


Additional Research Opportunities

Project Grants support scholarly projects by applicants holding a PhD or the equivalent. Support is generally for archaeological research, preservation of historic gardens, and the recovery, recording, and analysis of materials that would otherwise be lost.

Short-Term Predoctoral Residencies support advanced graduate students preparing for their PhD general exams, writing doctoral dissertations, or expecting relevant final degrees. Each residency provides up to four weeks of lodging and weekday lunches. Applications must be submitted at least sixty days before the preferred residency dates.

One-Month Research Awards support scholars with a PhD or other relevant final degree who are working on research projects that require use of Dumbarton Oaks’ books, objects, or other materials in the collections of the library or museum.

More information is available on our website.

Colloque – John Malalas’ World Chronicle and Late Antique Memorial Culture (October 6-7 2016)

John Malalas’ World Chronicle and Late Antique Memorial Culture /
Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas im Kontext spätantiker Memorialkultur

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Seminar for Ancient History, Tübingen are pleased to announce an international conference on « John Malalas’ World Chronicle and Late Antique Memorial Culture », organised by the Academy’s research group « Philological-Historical Commentary on John Malalas » (situated at Tübingen) and to be held at Evangelisches Stift, Tübingen on October 6th and 7th 2016.



2:00 pm Welcome Address
Mischa Meier | Tübingen

2:15 – 3:45 pm
Christian Gastgeber | Vienna
Klassisch-paganes Erbe: Was bleibt in der memoria der Weltchronik?
Ralf Behrwald | Bayreuth
Stadt und Reich im Geschichtsbild des Malalas

4:15 – 5:45 pm
Raf Praet | Groningen
Malalas the antiquarian? Malalas and antiquarian memory in sixth century Constantinople
Volker Menze | Budapest
Remembering Dioscorus: Non-Chalcedonian Construction of Orthodoxy in the Sixth Century

6:30 pm Evening Lecture
Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp | Cologne
Mythen, Monumente und andere Medien: Die ‚Corporate Identity‘ der gens Fabia


9:00 – 10:30 am
Sebastian Watta | Marburg
Materielle Erinnerung. Formen der memoria in den kirchlichen Mosaikpavimenten des Nahen Ostens
Philipp Niewöhner | Berlin/Göttingen
Byzantinische Baudenkmalpflege am Beispiel von Milet und anderen Orten

11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Emanuèle Caire | Aix-en-Provence
Malalas et la mémoire d’Antioche
Laura Mecella | Rom
Antiochia und die historische Erinnerung der Römisch-Parthischen Kriege

2:00 – 3:30 pm
Carlo Scardino | Düsseldorf
Historische und theologische Diskurse in den lateinischen Chroniken des 5. und 6. Jh. n. Chr.
Erika Juhász | Vienna
Die Spuren der christlichen Memoriakultur in der Osterchronik: Die Behandlung der Märtyrer

4:00 – 6:15 pm
Hanns Christof Brennecke | Erlangen
Hagiographie als Kaisermemorie: Kaiser Zenon in der Vita Danielis
Olivier Gengler | Tübingen/Heidelberg
Memoria und Gesetzgebung: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in den Justinianischen Novellen
Jonas Borsch | Tübingen/Heidelberg
Schriftliche Bildnisse. Personalisierte Erinnerung in Malalas’ Kaiserportraits

6:30 pm Final Discussion

To register (free of charge), please send an email to Jonas Borsch ( by Monday September 26th with your name and university affiliation (if applicable).

For more details about the conference see

Appel à contribution – Les sens du rite : encens et religion dans les sociétés anciennes (Rome, 23-24 Juin 2017)

Call for Papers

Sensing Divinity
Incense, religion and the ancient sensorium


Les sens du rite
Encens et religion dans les sociétés anciennes*

An international, interdisciplinary conference

23-24 June 2017, British School at Rome and the École française de Rome


Mark Bradley, Associate Professor of Ancient History, University of Nottingham (

Beatrice Caseau, Professor of Byzantine History, University of Paris-Sorbonne (

Adeline Grand-Clément, Associate Professor in Greek History, University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (

Anne-Caroline Rendu-Loisel, Post-Doctoral Researcher in Assyrology, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès (

Alexandre Vincent, Associate Professor in Roman History, University of Poitiers (


Keynote speakers

Joël Candau (University of Nice)

Esther Eidinow (University of Nottingham)



Summary (*available in French on request)

This conference will explore the history of a medium that has occupied a pivotal role in Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian religious tradition: incense. According to Margaret E. Kenna in her provocative 2005 article ‘Why does incense smell religious?’, this aromatic substance became a diagnostic feature of Greek orthodoxy during the Byzantine period, but it is clear that incense was also extensively used in the rituals of earlier polytheistic societies to honour the gods. Fragrant smoke drifting up towards the heavens emblematized the communication that was established between the mortal and the immortal realms, which in turn contributed to the sensory landscape of the sanctuary.

Although several studies have drawn attention to the role of incense as an ingredient in ritual and a means of communication between men and gods, there remains no comprehensive examination of the practical functions and cultural semantics of incense in the ancient world, whether as a purifying agent, a performative sign of a transcendent world, an olfactory signal to summon the deity, a placatory libation, or food for the gods. Moreover, recent archaeological research has provided evidence (alongside literary, epigraphic and iconographic evidence) that the physical origins and chemical constituents of incense are complex and diverse, as are their properties: resins, vegetable gums, spices, and a welter of aromatic products that could be exhibited and burned before ancient eyes and noses. These were components of a multi-sensory religious experience in which music, colourful costumes, lavish banquets and tactile encounters defined the ritual sensibilities of the community.

During the two days of the conference, incense will be interrogated as a historical phenomenon. We will explore its materiality, provenance and production, as well as the economic and commercial aspects of the incense trade. The conference will also examine the mechanics of incense use and the various ways it was integrated into various Mediterranean rituals (following the lines of enquiry set out by N. Massar and D. Frère), as well as its role within religious topography. The properties associated with the term ‘incense’ will be evaluated in the context of work by M. Detienne on The Gardens of Adonis (1989): what components of incense make them effective and potent within ritual? And what mechanisms and processes are used to release their aromas? And what was the perception of incense by the various participants of the ritual – deities, priests, assistants, spectators? These research questions will be informed by the recent research synergies of the organisers: M. Bradley, whose edited volume Smell and the Ancient Senses (Routledge, 2015) probes ‘foul’ and ‘fragrant’ odours as part of both human and divine social relations; A. Grand-Clément and A.-C. Rendu-Loisel, who lead the Toulouse research project on Synaesthesia that is dedicated to the interdisciplinary and comparative study of polysensoriality in ancient religious practice; and A. Vincent, who is engaged in the study of sensory perception in Roman ritual in his work on the Soundscapes (Paysages sonores).

This conference sets out to compare approaches across a range of disciplines in order to examine the role and significance of incense in ancient religion, and compare it to later aromatic practices within the Catholic Church. By adopting this cross-disciplinary and comparative approach, we hope to move beyond a universalist approach to religious aromatics and reach a more sophisticated understanding of the religious function of incense in the Mediterranean world: we hope to identify continuities in both the practice and interpretation of incense, as well as to identify specific features within individual historical contexts and traditions.

Although the conference is principally concerned with the use of incense in antiquity, we also welcome contributions from Byzantine and Medieval scholars, as well as church historians, to help provide a comparative perspective on the use and significance of incense within the Mediterranean world. We also hope to use the conference’s setting in Rome to examine current practice in the use of incense and aromatics in Roman Catholic contexts and other religious traditions. The conference will also provide an opportunity to examine first-hand the material properties of incense through a practical workshop around incense-production and burning (co-ordinated by A. Declercq, one of the scientific researchers on the Synaesthesia project at Toulouse), which will allow participants to handle a range of aromatic products and experience their various multi-sensory properties. The outcome of this workshop will be presented as the Musée Saint-Raymond at Toulouse in November 2017, as part of an exhibition on ‘Greek rituals: a sensible experience’, currently in preparation.

It is hoped that this conference will be of interest to scholars working in archaeology, anthropology, cultural history, literature, art history, and the history of religion, as well as local artists and members of the public. Papers should last approximately 20 minutes, and may be in English, Italian or French; they should be original and should not have been previously published or delivered at a major conference.

Paper topics might include, but are certainly not limited to, the following themes related to incense:

•           Material and chemical properties
•           Geography and distribution
•           Economics and commerce
•           Production and release
•           Religious topography
•           Transcendence and supernatural experience
•           Transition and rites of passage
•           Incorruptibility and immortality
•           Relationship to perfumes
•           Sacred and profane scents
•           Religious experience and synaesthesia
•           Community and homogenous sensations
•           Concealment of unwashed humanity and smells of sacrifice
•           Fumigation and purification
•           Drama and performance
•           Frankincense and myrrh
•           Censers and censing
•           Judaeo-Christian traditions

Abstracts of approximately 200-300 words should be submitted by 31 October 2016 to Mark Bradley ( or Adeline Grand-Clément ( Successful contributions may be considered for publication in a conference volume.

This conference has been funded with generous support from the École française de Rome, the British School at Rome, the Institut Universitaire de France and the IDEX of the University of Toulouse.

Appel à contribution – Act of the Scribe: Interfaces between scribal work and language use (Athènes, 6-8 avril 2017)

Call for Papers

Act of the Scribe: Interfaces between scribal work and language use

A Workshop

Date: April 6–8, 2017 (+ excursion on Sunday, April 9, to be informed later)

Venue: The Finnish Institute at Athens (Zitrou 16, GR-117 42 Athens)

The project Act of the Scribe (Academy of Finland) organises a workshop for scholars discussing various aspects of scribal work and how these relate to language use and language change in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Currently, we see a growing interest on scribal practices and their role in language change, and an on-going tradition of (socio)linguistic studies has been established in the field of Classical languages. However, some fields of study are still under-represented and hinder the ability to form a comprehensive general picture of the linguistic situation at hand; for example, studying the multilingual situation in especially Egypt from the Ptolemaic to the Byzantine times continues to be challenging due to a gap between the disciplines of Greek and Latin on the one hand, and Demotic and Coptic research on the other. One of the aims of this workshop is to promote dialogue between the various written languages in Antiquity to be able to enhance the picture of ancient scribal practices. The general focus of the workshop lies in studying the interface between scribal work, including its technical properties, and language use.

Confirmed speakers with provisional titles include

·         Rodney Ast (Heidelberg): Professional Literacy in Late Antiquity

·         Klaas Bentein (Ghent): Documentary papyri as « multimodal » texts: Some observations on the interrelationship between language choice, linguistic register and handwriting in the Nepheros archive (III – IV AD)

·         Jenny Cromwell (Copenhagen): Terminological and palaeographic innovations among scribes in the administration of early Islamic Egypt

·         Katherine McDonald (Cambridge): The goddess Reitia and learning to write in the Veneto

·         Timo Korkiakangas (Oslo):  Relationship between spelling correctness and morphosyntactic conservativeness – a corpus study of early medieval Italian charters

·         Tonio Sebastian Richter: TBA

·         MariaChiara Scappaticcio (Naples): A Babrius’ Latin translation (P.Amh. 26): authors, scribes, and ‘mistakes of mistakes’

·         Joanne Stolk (Oslo/Ghent): Scribal corrections in Greek papyri from Egypt

·         Nicholas Zair (Cambridge): Old-fashioned spelling and sub-elite education in the Roman Empire

We invite interested scholars to submit abstracts (max. one page) by October 31, 2016 at the latest ( Topics that are of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to, e.g.

•           scribal education in Graeco-Roman Antiquity

•           writing and copying methods affecting linguistic output

•           written standards, substandard and register

•           cross-cultural effect on second language use: transfer of linguistic elements, scribal practices and orthographic conventions

•           the role of the scribe in language change and development

•           the varying treatment of loanwords in contact situations

Organizing committee :
Martti Leiwo – Sonja Dahlgren – Hilla Halla-aho – Marja Vierros

Call for papers – Special session (2), Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2017)

Call for papers

Grey-zone saints in Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages

Medieval Congress – Leeds, 3-6 July 2017

The Cult of Saints is a major five-year research project, based at the University of Oxford, which is investigating the origins and development of the cult of saints in all cultural zones of ancient Christianity up to around AD 700. At the forthcoming Medieval Congress in Leeds (3-6 July 2017) the project-team is organising a strand on grey-zone, or marginal, saints in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. A limited number of Christian heroes, mostly New Testament figures and martyrs, were renowned across Christendom. Many more struggled hard to gain a wider prominence, or even local recognition, and often remained saints only in the eyes of single partisans or restricted groups. Their sainthood was suggested but not fully accepted, or promoted but contested; their cults almost succeeded, but finally failed. Sometimes their very existence was put into question. Those interested in presenting papers on such saints and their cults, particularly if focused on the period before c.900, are requested to send title and short abstract (c. 100 words) to Bryan Ward-Perkins ( or Robert Wiśniewski ( by 20 September. Please, note that, sadly, the project is unable to fund speakers expenses.