Call for papers – Medicine in the Bible and the Talmud

Call for papers

Society for Biblical Literature International Meeting/ European Association of Biblical Studies (ISBL/EABS), Berlin, 7-11 August 2017

Medicine in the Bible and the Talmud (EABS)

Final Submission Date for Proposals: 1 February 2017.

Call For Papers: (For the complete text of the 2017 CfP, see

Papers are invited on the comparative theme “Literary and discursive framing and concepts of (medical) knowledge in (Late) Antiquity”, from biblical and apocryphal texts, into later Jewish, Rabbinic-Talmudic traditions and beyond. The organizers explicitly welcome papers by scholars working on these questions as in neighboring or adjacent traditions (ancient Babylonia or Egypt; Graeco-Roman culture(s); Iranian traditions, early Christianity; Syriac traditions; early Islam etc.). Recent studies into ancient scientific traditions have emphasized the craft and artifice of those texts. On the one hand, these works can be characterized by a rather astonishing degree of literary expertise, discursive versatility and rhetorical sophistication. Ancient scientific authors were well versed not only in their very field of expertise but deployed compositional techniques from their respective cultural milieu. On the other hand, one notices also the complex framing of scientific knowledge in texts whose primary focus was religious, poetic, historiographic, or literary. Based on this, we welcome presentations on the representation and embedding of medical (and other) knowledge in particular texts and contexts. Papers may address the special design of such knowledge discourses. How does the use of rhetoric strategies, literary structures, or genres in `scientific texts’ affect the ideas conveyed? Could a specific hermeneutic (Listenwissenschaft/ encyclopaedism/ linguocentrism) not only serve as a ‘container’ but also as a method for knowledge acquisition? One might ask further: who constructs this discourse for whom, and with which (implicit/explicit) intention? How can the adoption of certain textual strategies and compositional techniques be seen as a vital venue for (structural/discursive) knowledge transfer, rather than the actual content of the passage?

See more at:

Program Unit Chairs:

Markham Geller (
Lennart Lehmhaus (

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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Graduate and Doctoral fellowships – Universities of Cologne and Bonn

Graduate and Doctoral fellowships – Universities of Cologne and  Bonn

The DFG Research Training Group 1878 (RTG) of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn on the topic of “Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies” invites applications for two positions of Graduate Fellowship and one Doctoral Scholarship leading to a Ph.D. at the University of Bonn to begin on April 1st, 2017. Applications are welcome in all subjects of the Research Training Group in Bonn. Applications for the fields of Egyptology, Historical Geography and Islamic Archaeology are particularly desirable.

The positions/fellowship are for max. 3 years. The well-supported salary will be according to the official German classification group TV-L 13 (for detailed information please see our website: The Ph.D. scholarship is 1.468 EUR per month.

The RTG studies economic systems and economic spaces of pre-modern societies in terms of their structure, efficiency and dynamics (genesis, transformation processes through to a potential dissolution) as well as to analyse them in interaction with their respective physical geographical, political, societal, religious and cultural conditions. Dissertations will be focused along three broad lines of research, ‘Economic Networks’, ‘Settlement Centres and Their Environs’ and ‘Religious Institutions and House-holds as Economic Units’.

More detailed information can be found at:
The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer.

Inquiries in German or English can be sent to RTG spokespeople, Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz ( and Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann (

Applications in German or English should be sent in electronic form by January 15th, 2017 to the RTG spokespeople, Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz and Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann at the following e-mail address: (subject: Bewerbung GRK 1878).

Onassis 23rd Fellowship Program for International Scholars

Onassis 23rd Fellowship Program for International Scholars

The Foundation announces the twenty-third (23rd) annual Program of Scholarships starting on October 1st, 2017  which is addressed to non-Greek nationals, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), Postdoctoral Researchers and Ph.D. Candidates. Applications are expected no later than February 28, 2017.

More information is available at

Appel à contribution – VIIe édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art (2-4 juin 2017)

Appel à contribution

VIIe édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art

Fontainebleau, 2-4 juin 2017

À l’initiative du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art et le château de Fontainebleau s’associent depuis 2011 pour organiser un Festival de l’histoire de l’art, dont la septième édition aura lieu les 2, 3 et 4 juin 2017 à Fontainebleau. Destiné à être à la fois le rendez-vous des professionnels de l’histoire de l’art, mais aussi à faire connaître et aimer l’histoire de l’art à un large public, il accueille des manifestations autour d’un thème annuel, d’un un pays invité ainsi qu’un Forum de l’actualité. Une section film et vidéo (Art &Caméra) et un salon du livre complètent ce programme. Vous pouvez consulter le programme de l’année 2016 sur le site ( ) qui vous permettra de juger de l’ensemble de la programmation.

La 7e édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art est liée au thème Nature. Les candidats ont jusqu’au dimanche 11 décembre minuit pour nous proposer leur projet d’intervention en remplissant le formulaire en ligne sur le site internet suivant : http:// proposez-intervention/

Colloque « Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives » – Dumbarton Oaks (4 novembre 2016)

Byzantine Studies Colloquium

Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives
November 4, 2016 08:30 AM to 06:00 PM

The Oak Room, Fellowship House, 1700 Wisconsin Avenue NW

Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives

Contact: | Phone: 202-339-6940

The study of Byzantine monumental painting is ripe for critical assessment. While research into monumental pictorial art in countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, and increasingly Turkey remains a mainstay of art historical inquiry, in the United States this area of study has received less attention in recent years. Yet the monumental painting of the Byzantine world holds great potential for future research, not least because the material is tremendously rich and continues to be expanded with the discovery and publication of new pictorial ensembles.

This colloquium, organized by Ivan Drpić and Tolga Uyar, brings together new voices and well-established scholars to reinvigorate the study of Byzantine monumental painting. It will foster dialogue and pose new questions about reception, materiality, and the interplay of different representational forms and systems of signification. Topics range from how paintings evoked sound, to the role of liturgical practices, visual narrative, and non-figural imagery in decorated sacred spaces, to collaboration and interaction between patrons, architects, painters, and theological advisers. While some papers will focus on specific sacred landscapes such as Naxos and Cappadocia, others draw wide-ranging connections across Byzantium, the Slavic world, and the Mediterranean.

