Cycle de conférences – Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental

Cycle de conférences, février-juin 20161

Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental

Les jeudis 18 février, 24 mars, 19 mai et 16 juin 2016
INHA, salle Vasari et salle Jullian
2, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris

En quatre demi-journées, des spécialistes de l’Orient byzantin et de l’Occident latin dialogueront autour de thématiques qui prolongeront la réflexion menée lors de la journée d’étude introductive du 25 septembre 2015. Ce cycle s’inscrit dans le programme de recherche IMAGO-EIKΩN. Regards croisés sur l’image médiévale entre Orient et Occident (Labex RESMED et HiCSA), dans une action collaborative avec le domaine médiéval de l’INHA, porté par Isabelle Marchesin.


Première rencontre : jeudi 18 février 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème :
L’image dans l’espace sacré : enjeux historiographiques et perspectives

Introduction du cycle : Sulamith Brodbeck et Anne-Orange Poilpré (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

Sharon Gerstel (University of California, Los Angeles) : Images in Churches in Late Byzantium: Reflections and Directions

Jean-Pierre Caillet (université Paris Ouest) : L’image dans l’édifice en Occident médiéval : le potentiel des ouvertures après un siècle de réflexions

Répondant : Ioanna Rapti (EPHE)


Deuxième rencontre : jeudi 24 mars 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème :
Lumière et éclairage de l’espace cultuel : perception et réception des images

Lioba Theis (Universität Wien) : The Orchestration of Enlightenment: Light in Sacred Space

Nicolas Reveyron (université Lumière Lyon II) : Image et lumière : performance et polychronie

Répondant : Andréas Nicolaïdès (université Aix-Marseille)


Troisième rencontre : jeudi 19 mai 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Vasari
Thème : Images monumentales et jeux d’échelle : les dynamiques spatiales du lieu de culte

Isabelle Marchesin (INHA) : La mise en réseau des hommes et des artefacts dans l’église Saint-Michel d’Hildesheim

Annemarie Weyl Carr (Southern Methodist University, Dallas) : Across a Crowded Room: Paths of Perception in Cyprus’ Painted Churches

Répondant : Daniel Russo (université de Bourgogne)

Quatrième rencontre : jeudi 16 juin 2016, 14h30-17h30, salle Jullian
Thème : Visibilité et lisibilité du dialogue entre images et inscriptions dans l’espace cultuel

Vincent Debiais (CNRS – CESCM Poitiers) : Absence/silence des inscriptions en contexte liturgique : quelques exemples hispaniques

Catherine Jolivet-Lévy (EPHE) : Inscriptions et images dans quelques églises byzantines de Cappadoce : visibilité/lisibilité, interactions et fonctions

Répondant : François Bougard (IRHT)

Conclusion du cycle : Sulamith Brodbeck et Anne-Orange Poilpré (université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

Chaque rencontre sera suivie d’un cocktail servi en salle Warburg à 17h30

Responsables scientifiques

Sulamith Brodbeck :,
Anne-Orange Poilpré :


Série de conférences par M. Antonio Rollo (Université de Naples – L’Orientale)

Série de conférences par M. Antonio Rollo (Université de Naples – L’Orientale)

Dans le cadre des conférences de Mme Brigitte Mondrain, M. Antonio Rollo, professeur à l’Université de Naples – L’Orientale, directeur d’études invité, donnera une série de conférences sur le thème La tradition des passages grecs dans le De vita Caesarum de Suétone entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance

1. L’écriture grecque entre Orient et Occident : la tradition médiévale de Suétone, le mardi 5 mai 2015  de 17h à 19h.

 2. La traduction médiévale des graeca du De vita Caesarum,  le mardi 12 mai 2015  de 17h à 19h.

 3. Manuel Chrysoloras et la restauration du grec dans le De vita Caesarum,  le mardi 19 mai 2015  de 17h à 19h.

 4. La tradition humanistique du grec de Suétone et l’activité philologique de Politien, le mardi 26 mai 2015  de 17h à 19h.

 Les conférences auront lieu à l’EPHE, en Sorbonne, 17 rue de la Sorbonne  75005 Paris, escalier E 1er étage – salle Gaston Paris.

4th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean – University of Lincoln

4th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean

Law, Custom and Ritual in the Medieval Mediterranean

We are pleased to announce that the fourth biennial conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean will take place at the University of Lincoln from Monday 13th July to Wednesday 15th July 2015.

The theme of the conference is “Law, Custom and Ritual in the Medieval Mediterranean” and the keynotes will be delivered by Professor Maribel Fierro (CSIC, Madrid: « Obedience to the ruler in the Medieval Islamic West: legal and historical perspectives ») and Dr Andrew Marsham (University of Edinburgh: “Rituals of accession in early Islam: a comparative perspective”).

You can view the preliminary programme and register for the conference on our conference blog.

Appel à contribution – Fourth International Graduate Student Conference of CEMS


Ideology, Knowledge, and Society in the Eastern Mediterranean

Fourth International Graduate Student Conference of CEMS
Central European University
Budapest, 4-6 June 2015

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the forthcoming graduate student conference hosted by Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (CEMS) at Central European University. The conference will run from June 4 to June 6, 2015. The workshop intends to provide a forum for graduate students specializing in any discipline related to the study of the eastern Mediterranean from antiquity to early modernity to present their current research, exchange ideas, and develop scholarly networks (see “Conference Description” below).

Please send a short paper proposal (approximately 300 words) together with a paragraph about your affiliation and academic interests by February 15, 2015 to

The organizing committee intends to publish a selection of interrelated papers, based on their quality and pertinence to the topic, in an edited volume.

Conference Description:

One of the key objectives of the workshop is to work against the grain of long-established disciplinary boundaries by discussing the ways in which ideology and knowledge were inherited, transmitted, and exchanged in all areas of society in diachronic and synchronic terms:

• How was ideology or knowledge – referring to theory of knowledge (from philosophy to political thought) as well as its practical applications (technology, warfare etc.) – particularized through accommodation, modification, and departure once it was inherited?
• Under what circumstances and frameworks can one see genuine curiosity, selective accommodation, and outright rejection of cultural interaction within and/or across polity/polities?

Papers will be invited to present case studies and reflect upon the question of how, in an increasingly diversified and specialized academic environment, meaningful comparative and/or longue-durée studies across disciplines and source languages (inter alia, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Syriac, Coptic, Hebrew), can be accomplished.

Possible themes include, but are not limited to:
• Philosophy and Science in the Late Antique, Byzantine, and Ottoman Worlds
• History of Learning and Culture
• Religious Debate and Philosophical Dialogue
• Byzantine Literature
• Legal Thought and Practice
• Political Thought and the Art of Rulership
• Intellectual History and History of Reading
• History Writing, Memory, and Identity
• Knowledge and Authority
• Cultural Translation and Knowledge Production
• Artistic Interaction and Exchange in the Mediterranean
• Ideology and Legitimation of Power
• Performance in Byzantium
• Cultural History of Warfare and Transfer of Military Technology

Keynote Speakers:

George Karamanolis (University of Vienna)
Helen Pfeifer (University of Cambridge)

Accommodation and Travel Grants

All participants will be offered accommodation for the full duration of the conference at CEU Residence Center. A limited amount of travel grants are available to encourage participation from a wide range of individuals and institutions. Those who wish to be considered for the grant should include an additional justification in their paper proposals.

Organizing Committee

Ivan Marić (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)
Nirvana Silnović (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies, CEMS Junior Member Representative)
H. Evren Sünnetçioğlu (PhD Student, Department of Medieval Studies)
Máté Veres (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy)

Appel à contribution – The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s XVII International Graduate Conference

Call for Papers


 Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Byzantine World, c. 300-c.1500

 27th February – 28th February 2015, University of Oxford


Byzantium, in all its forms, was an influential society, drawing many different peoples into its sphere. This influence, however, was neither one-way nor top-down. Cultures from beyond the borders of the Empire also impacted on life within it. Interaction and exchange between cultures was both direct and indirect, spanning from Scandinavia, Latin Europe, Africa and into the Islamic world and the Eurasian steppe. Learning, not exclusively classical knowledge, passed not only from culture to culture but from generation to generation; migration and settlement as well as trade and direct conflict all brought different communities into contact throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. What followed could include the translation of literature, the mimesis of art and architecture and religious conversions, as well as the practical adoption of customs, clothing and foods. The Roman Empire, its continuator in the Eastern Mediterranean and all the successor states were deeply involved in all manner of cross-cultural exchanges throughout their existences.

We are calling for papers which explore all possible approaches towards these issues, in all fields of Late Antique and Byzantine studies and beyond, including history, archaeology, history of art, theology, literature, intellectual history, and philology.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words, along with a short academic biography in the third person, to the Oxford University Byzantine Society at by Friday, 28th November 2014. Papers should be 20 minutes in length, and may be delivered in English or French.

As with our previous two conferences, there will be a publication of selected on-theme and inter-related papers, chosen and reviewed by specialist readers from the University of Oxford’s Late Antique and Byzantine Studies department. Any speakers wishing to have their papers considered for publication should try to be as on-theme as possible in their abstract and paper. Nevertheless, all submissions are warmly invited.

 More details will be sent to successful submissions soon after the deadline. Subject to funding, the OUBS hopes to offer subsidised accommodation for visiting speakers.

Pdf ici.