Fine ware from the Glassworks building in the Early Christian city of Philippoi.
Stavros Zachariadis (Université d’Aristote de Thessalonique)
In the early christian city of Philippoi, to the southeast of its excavated part the Glassworks building provide us with sufficient evidence for constant use from the 3rd to the 7th century a.d. This particular building, that was occupying an entire city block, had originally a public character. During the 5th century it is converted into a workshop area connected with glass production. After a while a small bath complex is founded to the northern part of the building.
The fine ware consists of vessels imported from major production centers on the eastern Aegean coast, the North African coast, in the region of Tunisia and Algeria, and also in the Balkans, along with a series of imitations of these products. The study of the pottery emphasizes, along with typology, in matters of clay composition and technical details in order to clarify the vessels provenance and discriminate imported ware from imitations.
The systematic study of this pottery assemblage contributes to the dating of the archaeological context. Imported ware indicates the consistent interaction of the city with important centers on the Mediterranean coast, so as providing us with crucial information about trade routes in northern Greece, where only a few pottery assemblages are properly published.