Post-doctorat — Chancellor’s Fellows at the University of Edinburgh

2014 Call for Chancellor’s Fellows at the University of Edinburgh

Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 Chancellor’s Fellowship schemes, the University of Edinburgh has launched a new call for Chancellor’s Fellows. The University intends to appoint to up to 50 tenure-track Chancellor’s Fellowships across the University’s three Colleges as a further major investment in the future of our teaching and research.

These prestigious awards are aimed at early independent research career individuals of the highest potential who have begun to establish a reputation for high quality research at the forefront of their discipline and who have a commitment to learning and teaching at university level. Successful applicants in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences will be appointed at Grade 8 having completed their PhD and acquired equivalent relevant postdoctoral experience which meets the University Grade 8 Academic Job Profile.

Applications in Classics are invited in any of the disciplines of Classics (the classical languages and literatures, ancient philosophy, classical archaeology, and ancient history). The Fellowships are tenable from 1 September 2014. The deadline for applications is 7 February 2014.

Full information on how to apply can be obtained from the University’s Chancellor’s Fellows website: